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Full Version: Swiss prosecutor urges International Criminal Court to issue Putin arrest warrant
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(03-04-2022, 08:17 PM)CHAOS Wrote: [ -> ]

😲 😲
(03-04-2022, 08:17 PM)CHAOS Wrote: [ -> ]

Issue arrest warrant on Putin?

Must be kidding...Putin is the New World Order
When USA felt threaten, they took out one tiny country and while UN voice up but nothing happened to USA. And they repeatedly did that with Iraq etc. Communism rise or any dictatorship (other than USA?) is not allowed or frown upon.

But when Russia feels threaten by NATO (led by USA) and went on to take out a small country. The whole world has to sanction and take ever other action against China (Russia became a side dish cos China is a bigger threat to USA big brother post globally).

Democracy? Integrity? Freedom?


Tyranny, Dictatorship, Vested interest?

What a joke!
(03-04-2022, 09:17 PM)Sticw Wrote: [ -> ]When USA felt threaten, they took out one tiny country and while UN voice up but nothing happened to USA. And they repeatedly did that with Iraq etc. Communism rise or any dictatorship (other than USA?) is not allowed or frown upon.

But when Russia feels threaten by NATO (led by USA) and went on to take out a small country. The whole world has to sanction and take ever other action against China (Russia became a side dish cos China is a bigger threat to USA big brother post globally).

Democracy? Integrity? Freedom?


Tyranny, Dictatorship, Vested interest?

For your info, Ukraine is NOT a small country, not by land size and not by population!
If Im Putin....100% send then 1 nuke as thank u gift.🤣🤣🤣
How abt past USA presidents round up.for genocide?