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Full Version: the muslim world bochup what china do in Uyghur so why the west so bothered?
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[Image: 4e5dd818-b34f-4c59-a80d-9d33b2ef80e6_1126e908.jpg]

Highlighting China’s ambitions towards Afghanistan following America’s chaotic withdrawal last summer, President Xi Jinping sent a written message, pledging Beijing’s continued support for the radical Islamic group and the war-torn country, which he said stood at a “critical point of transition from chaos to order”.
Cause all Muslims in Middle East know so called Uyghur genocide are all fabricated by evil American
Aiyo, US care so much for Muslims? 
If they do, it must be an April's fool day joke.
Ambassadors of Muslim countries have already visited Xinjiang and double confirmed that there is no genocide, no concentration camp, no forced labour, etc.
Indonesia says no genocide, means no genocide, the largest moslem population in the world

That's all that matters to ASEAN

Indonesia is the future of ASEAN

As long as it is pivoting towards Russia, China and Iran the Great Persian Empire, Sinkiepoor must wise up and follow the tide

It will be a big failure if Indonesia is included in OBOR and Sinkiepoor is outed

PAP better pull up your socks, we dun hv so much patience with ur abject stupigity

Presently, Sinkiepoor is LEADERLESS!!!
fake news from big brother since day 1.
Cowboy is so powerderful dat they can frame anybody anything if they dont like u..
$$$ n omnipresent.mass media is supreme .