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Full Version: HK CE nomination begins - Carrie Lam did not real intention to run.
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[Image: WzJ7Zhy.jpg]
She just announced she's not seeking a second term.
(04-04-2022, 11:20 AM)Blasterlord2 Wrote: [ -> ]She just announced she's not seeking a second term.

Oh ...I think all the CE cannot last as they serve 2 masters. The people of HK and China.

So far every CE become unpopular and distrusted.
AT Least she knows what is " automatic "

Unlike our one aka Ho C still DIE DIE Want to stay inside TS Holdings.
(04-04-2022, 11:44 AM)sgbuffett Wrote: [ -> ]Oh ...I think all the CE cannot last as they serve 2 masters. The people of HK and China.

So far every CE become unpopular and distrusted.

ALL are people of CHINA!
She not not good enuf for the job.

A man must b a gung ho get results no nonsense more indecisive fickle minded fussy stubborn woman
The key problem is that she is running out of space at home for her cash. She needs to check if she can find space for another term of cash payment... Lol