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Full Version: Singapore will review TraceTogether, might 'stand it down' if no longer
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Singapore will review TraceTogether, might 'stand it down' if no longer needed: Ong Ye Kung

TraceTogether’s relevance will be reviewed and the COVID-19 task force will stand down the app when it is no longer needed, says Health Minister Ong Ye Kung.
Useless since day 1. Same as the Temp check machine. But since stupid PAP already invested million....might as well use it la..else depreciation quite jiatlat in their loss
If no need to wear face masks, then what is the use of Trace App?
That means for me alone dat Google notification to delete TT together with a bunch of others
frankly i thought google funny or drank bad liquor
That means our taskforce is following orders
And those silly gantries installed by some malls. Whose silly idea is this?
ya la
the day no vax differentiation
no need tt already
aiya some old frogs thought they work like amulets and talismans, peep here peep there, all evils go away
Fark lah....then I shouldn't hv go for 3rd jab liao. Farking waste my time and subjecting myself to the virus!
Must find a reason to continue to dogtag everyone. Lol
Must show doing something, if not doing anything how to justify the high pay.
I rather he announced no mask needed anymore, unjab people are free to go anywhere..
How much have we wasted on this white elephant? Again, those govtech ppl who implemented this sure got bright future liao..
(04-04-2022, 03:29 PM)Wy:Nox Wrote: [ -> ]If no need to wear face masks, then what is the use of Trace App?

Ya... then dont wear underwear when u go out since no one know.
Likely Omicron new variants more transmissible.
hope no more such useless and time wasting gadgets
(04-04-2022, 07:26 PM)Blasterlord2 Wrote: [ -> ]How much have we wasted on this white elephant? Again, those govtech ppl who implemented this sure got bright future liao..

It wasn't a white elephant earlier but a necessity.

It's only because 95% of the population had two jabs, and 72% had the booster which is why we may consider removing TT.

Do not take our success for granted.  Look at Hong Kong.  Their death toll now starts wit the digit "8".  We are still at "1".

cc:  lvlrsSTI.
[Image: photo-2022-04-03-00-01-15.jpg]
(04-04-2022, 03:28 PM)Sharexchange Wrote: [ -> ]Useless since day 1. Same as the Temp check machine. But since stupid PAP already invested million....might as well use it la..else depreciation quite jiatlat in their loss

the problem with gov sector is when they already put big money into it, it is already a point of no return even when there are many negative feedback after that. have to continue on .. cannot revert back.
(04-04-2022, 04:02 PM)mikotan Wrote: [ -> ]And those silly gantries installed by some malls. Whose silly idea is this?

they are taking this great opportunity to experiment with ways to control us