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Full Version: The dangerous myth of American innocence: Only our enemies commit "war crimes"
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world Banking controlled by Redshield Rothshield
Khazarian mafia
These types of people:
until u deal with the hidden PROBLEMs not solved
(06-04-2022, 01:16 PM)kokee Wrote: [ -> ]russia or putin is war criminal or not, already not important.
Russia invasion, russia genocide, do what you like, all need to pay back wan.
Russia in history & war, all these russia killing in war is norm if those know russia war well, 俄軍是慣犯,歷史的教訓.
let the war decide.

Why those white coks u suck everyday no need payback? Or they ready paid u in white cums? Laughing
(06-04-2022, 11:47 AM)kokee Wrote: [ -> ]no problem, this war till now, no more peace talk, will only get more violence & blood.
no point to talk humanity to hooligan devil, pay back time is here. same to all comie dogs here.
WW3 is more likely & nukes also more possible now.

4.6 俄烏戰爭走向恐怖了!布查慘劇 仇恨戰勝理性,不再是國家利益之爭。俄軍是慣犯,歷史的教訓

russia or putin is war criminal or not, already not important.
Russia invasion, russia genocide, do what russia like, all need to pay back wan.
Russia in history & war, all these russia killing in war is norm if those know russia war well, 俄軍是慣犯,歷史的教訓.
let the war decide now.
Whether Kokee is angmo coks sucker is no more important. Most important is he got more angmo coks to suck.🤣🤣🤣