SG Talk

Full Version: Czech Republic becomes first Nato country to send tanks to Ukraine
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Use tanks for wat. Easy target for infantry soldiers or drones.
[Image: 0-CC5-D26-C-61-FE-4-CAF-9-ADD-2-CA904057-ECC.jpg]
[Image: EF507-B75-8-FCD-4-C31-AB87-24-AB1-C0-B9-CB8.jpg]
Kokee the angmo cok sucker....SGTALK number 1!🤣🤣🤣
US & australia also send tanks, tanks is attacking weapons, thst is the direction for Ukraine in coming weeks.
>150 russia diplomats kena chase out of many Europe country, eventually all russia diplomats will be send home & F off from the world.
eventually whole europe will chase russia diplomat out, also cut off tie & trade with russia.

俄軍布查暴行將改戰爭格局? 美國才說給坦克…波蘭捷克一天上鐵皮!

Kokee will send his cums collected from his angmo masters.....very scary!!!🤣🤣🤣
(06-04-2022, 01:52 PM)kokee Wrote: [ -> ]US & australia also send tanks, tanks is attacking weapons, thst is the direction for Ukraine in coming weeks.
>150 russia diplomats kena chase out of many Europe country, eventually all russia diplomats will be send home & F off from the world.
eventually whole europe will chase russia diplomat out, also cut off tie & trade with russia.

俄軍布查暴行將改戰爭格局? 美國才說給坦克…波蘭捷克一天上鐵皮!

When are u going to drive the tank in Ukraine ? Aiya.... paper general lah