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Full Version: China warns US against House Speaker Pelosi visiting Taiwan
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Suggest PLA shot down the plane

Hahaha what is this excuse afraid to go Taiwan hor
Pelosi ‘tests positive, postpones Asia trip’ after China warns resolute, forceful measures over reported Taiwan visit
Yang Sheng, Wang Qi and Guo Yuandan
21:03 Apr 07 2022
Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian
Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian

If US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi visits the island of Taiwan, as some media have reported, China will definitely respond with "resolute and forceful measures," the Chinese Foreign Ministry said on Thursday. Chinese experts said China will and must retaliate; otherwise the US will make more provocations in the future, and the consequences that could be caused by the potential visit would bring a "disruptive impact" on the foundation of China-US relations.

The reports that "Pelosi is scheduled to arrive in Taiwan on Sunday" after her trip to Japan later this week in a show of support for Taiwan amid "concerns over cross-Straits relations following the Russia-Ukraine crisis" have been seen on Taiwan media and Fuji News Network on Thursday, but neither the office of Pelosi nor the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) authority on the island have confirmed or denied such reports.
(07-04-2022, 11:45 PM)Fleetdestroyer Wrote: [ -> ]Pelosi ‘tests positive, postpones Asia trip’ after China warns resolute, forceful measures over reported Taiwan visit
Yang Sheng, Wang Qi and Guo Yuandan
21:03 Apr 07 2022
Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian
Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian

If US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi visits the island of Taiwan, as some media have reported, China will definitely respond with "resolute and forceful measures," the Chinese Foreign Ministry said on Thursday. Chinese experts said China will and must retaliate; otherwise the US will make more provocations in the future, and the consequences that could be caused by the potential visit would bring a "disruptive impact" on the foundation of China-US relations.

The reports that "Pelosi is scheduled to arrive in Taiwan on Sunday" after her trip to Japan later this week in a show of support for Taiwan amid "concerns over cross-Straits relations following the Russia-Ukraine crisis" have been seen on Taiwan media and Fuji News Network on Thursday, but neither the office of Pelosi nor the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) authority on the island have confirmed or denied such reports.

Lame excuse!

Kokee's Mother Pelosi.... scare liao Laughing
(07-04-2022, 08:03 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote: [ -> ]

USA is a troublemaker wherever they are.