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Full Version: Heard one analyst passed away from Google Search
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TS behaves like wet market aunties. This is the worst thread I come across. Don’t open thread like this if you like to play guessing games!  Blehhhh!
Hmm…I was attending market webinars this morning and I realised one of the past speakers who was active on Twitter has gone silent since 24 March. I googled and she seemed to be the one TS has described here. She had given market outlook talk on 89.3, 98.8 and also at NTUC auditorium. 

What happened to her…?
(10-04-2022, 01:17 PM)TalkingRabbit Wrote: [ -> ]Hmm…I was attending market webinars this morning and I realised one of the past speakers who was active on Twitter has gone silent since 24 March. I googled and she seemed to be the one TS has described here. She had given market outlook talk on 89.3, 98.8 and also at NTUC auditorium. 

What happened to her…?

Name or initials?
This type of thread shouldn't even be here. Waste of bandwidth.
(10-04-2022, 01:21 PM)sgbuffett Wrote: [ -> ]Name or initials?

Margaret Yang? I shall delete this post if it's not her  Shutup
(10-04-2022, 01:26 PM)TalkingRabbit Wrote: [ -> ]M.....Y...? I shall delete this post if it's not her  Shutup

I check her twitter ..she used to post every few days but has not posted since 24 March.
Don't know why she disappeared so secretly with no proper announcement....? anybody know any reasons?...
[Image: 20220410-181617.jpg]

many sgtalkers are doing the search?
(09-04-2022, 11:47 AM)ysh02 Wrote: [ -> ]Family member didn't announced so  we outsiders better keep quiet. I post here thinking our formers might know her and start the" talk"...Google might have some details but  not actually point to her...

is her family in Spore? She looked like a foreigner to me, or a new citizen. can reveal now the cause of her disappearance? actually i'm her follower on twitter. she has been silent since end of Mar.
she was a lady working as an analysts  for a foreign  house aged <50
not work problem that caused her to end her life but was family problem
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