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'I'm being cancelled already': Tan Chuan-Jin addresses criticisms about Parliament

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It has to end.
same like this
[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-04-13-15-37-53.png]
reality is so different
This is happening in France so different from our perception of what will happen
[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-04-13-15-52-06.png]
Once leave their comfort zone, will be whacked upside down by Netizens if handling the controversy case partially.

Now netizens are smarter than before.
what exactly has he done to be cancelled ha? offended some1?
He smart he senses something not right with the crowd
its like u put another 1cent coin and it moves
Cancelled you, 1 pax, niah

Your JobsBank aka Careers Future portal already cancelled the future of citizens

Maybe thousands affected!
He wants to be 'cool'
and remain in gravy juices
[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-04-13-16-42-58.png]
Deserved to be cancelled. What has been done for the good of the people? Nothing popular and it wil be the forgotten one.
unless they come out with something like yellow ribbon to salvage being cancelled.
go ask jack neo how he's coping
carFUL carFUl remember u need only i cent wt it moves
and ur gravy no more
every after words not working anymore
...not funny anymore
Actually, half of the PAP Ministers are Struck- off,

And 20 PAP Ministers are Cancelled

Remaining another 20 PAP Ministers are Downgraded to be Dumb Office Administrators

[Image: JLB-Ministers-2021.png]
sri Lanka now left only 2
[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-04-13-20-19-53.png]
able to act 'cool' not bad already
pick paper play drum sing karaOK

[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-04-13-16-42-58.png]

He really jiak liao bee. Waste taxpayers monet.

Should have stepped down very early.
aiya many are dispensable and even disposable, just that they duno only.
(13-04-2022, 04:07 PM)RiseofAsia Wrote: [ -> ]Once leave their comfort zone, will be whacked upside down by Netizens if handling the controversy case partially.

Now netizens are smarter than before.

Not true that "netizens" are smarter now  It's just that there is the internet where they think they can hide....
what are those being injected into our bodies
[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-04-13-22-45-24.png]

[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-04-13-22-45-08.png]

[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-04-13-22-44-17.png]
list goes on...many many thr. Amandha's eyes
Well, they deserved to be cancelled since they did not bring value.