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Full Version: What Expectations do you have of New PM of SG?
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I know some of you hope that LW will not be the 80th YES MEN.

To re-look and increase MOE quota for our 4 Varsities in IT . And stop the GST Increase to increase to 8%.
Import more Ukrainian female talents  Big Grin
Other forums said that he should not exploit the poor in HDB

By making HDB ZERO Value upon 99 years
Be a Leader.

Be his own man.

Make bold changes.

Replace jia lio bees.

Dont fix the opposition.

Fix the people's, Singaporeans problems.

Singaporean First!
(15-04-2022, 12:48 PM)SGSeniorCitizen1952 Wrote: [ -> ]Be a Leader.

Be his own man.

Make bold changes.

Replace jia lio bees.

Dont fix the opposition.

Fix the people's, Singaporeans problems.

Singaporean First!

Provided PAP no longer exist lah. Laughing
[Image: 353-BBA53-FB16-4785-9974-F19-DC3-F144-C9.webp]
[Image: 8-CE36-B6-E-17-FA-4787-84-C3-92-E5-D4-ADB3-D1.gif]
Is he able to choose capable team to run the country for another decades?
If he does not choose his own team of capable men and women, but stick with the current lot, then we vote them ALL out.

(15-04-2022, 12:59 PM)Oasis Wrote: [ -> ]Is he able to choose capable team to run the country for another decades?
keep cost of living down, down and down so our senior no need to work till so old..
No one is perfect
I expect some common sense from his Team.
Nothing is guaranteed till next GE  Big Grin
(15-04-2022, 05:51 PM)Galilo_l Wrote: [ -> ]Nothing is guaranteed till next GE  Big Grin

Can explain why must wait until my hair drop?
(15-04-2022, 05:54 PM)Wy:Nox Wrote: [ -> ]Can explain why must wait until my hair drop?

Maybe current pm will flip prata?
(15-04-2022, 12:48 PM)SGSeniorCitizen1952 Wrote: [ -> ]Be a Leader.

Be his own man.

Make bold changes.

Replace jia lio bees.

Dont fix the opposition.

Fix the people's, Singaporeans problems.

Singaporean First!
For me, just cut the Crap and BS

Chan CS, JoTeo, Gan KY . . . are just Empty Vessels

and waste of tax payers money for past many years

If FTAs can create good jobs, why are citizens salary 20% lower than Foreigners?
(15-04-2022, 05:54 PM)Wy:Nox Wrote: [ -> ]Can explain why must wait until my hair drop?

Remember what happened to George Yeo?

If Lawrence Wong is voted out, he cannot be PM.
B4 we expect anything we must define our perimeter
our obligations 'lex mercatoria'
[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-04-15-04-52-53.png]

meaning our currency

our Money
[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-04-14-03-19-12.png]

In a failing fiat currencies system we must define lex mercatoria
This  will help:

[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-04-15-21-38-42.png]
Better than pick paper and other deviation techniques
[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-04-15-21-51-47.png]
Can you become millionaire if monthly salary is $3K+? If you start work at age 25 and retire at age 70.
Excluding CPF contribution from employer.
For most civil servants, no an issue right?
Annual bonuses , PB, promotion, salary revision etc
( Excluding expenditures )
(14-04-2022, 08:27 PM)Ola Wrote: [ -> ]I know some of you hope that LW will not be the 80th YES MEN.


wow. Lawrence Wong takeover election vote for PAP gg to rise.
(15-04-2022, 12:57 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote: [ -> ][Image: 353-BBA53-FB16-4785-9974-F19-DC3-F144-C9.webp]

In future he will use his eye power instead Big Grin
A second choice candidate
Whoever is the chosen leader of tiny Red dot is the people 's future. Whatever will be will be..most importantly is a good heart.
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