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Full Version: ST: All 62 Covid-19 cases in North Coast Lodge fully vaccinated
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why got so many infected among the migrant workers who are fully vaccinated?  Sad
Already said don't just bank on mRNA vaccine and then let the vaccinated go wild... But govt can't hold back biz lockdown further also...

Eventually everyone will get infected... Just don't die from it... Hopefully not Delta onwards variants...
Many seniors very complacent be it on TV advertising go for jabs or on the ground that they wouldn't b reinfected... talking among themselves very closely jioing all go eat breakfast... n continue talking
(26-08-2021, 03:17 PM)Sticw Wrote: [ -> ]Already said don't just bank on mRNA vaccine and then let the vaccinated go wild... But govt can't hold back biz lockdown further also...

Eventually everyone will get infected... Just don't die from it... Hopefully not Delta onwards variants...

This is the rite of passage where everyone must get infected to achieve herd immune. Take care..... Rolleyes
The viruses just parked there.