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Full Version: Putin unlimited friend China having unlimited lockdowns as China vaccines fail
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A restaurant cook in Taiyuan said his family has been confined to their apartment compound since April 3 after cases were found in neighboring compounds.

“Our lives will be seriously affected if the restrictions last long,” said the cook, who would give only his surname, Chen.

“My wife and I are earning nothing,” Chen said. “We have three children to support.”

All but 13 of China’s 100 biggest cities by economic output are under some form of restrictions, according to Gavekal Dragonomics, a research firm.

“The intensity is increasing,” Gavekal said in a report this week.

The volume of cargo handled by the Shanghai port, the world’s busiest, has fallen 40%, according to an estimate by the European Union Chamber of Commerce in China. Automakers have suspended production due to disruption in deliveries of supplies.

Restrictions on areas that produce the world’s smartphones, consumer electronics and other goods are prompting forecasters to cut expectations for this year’s economic growth to as low as 5%, down sharply from last year’s 8.1% expansion.
(15-04-2022, 09:31 AM)kokee Wrote: [ -> ]in shanghai already few area went to street to protest & riot with govt army & police. 
of course they know the consequences in china, but anger already exceed fear now, buay tahan anymore. 
but will it expand to like 4-6-1989> I dont think shanghainese got the balls & blood to do it.
there is also ton of anti-govt in internet on covid yesterday in china, govt keep deleting non stop, china people keep spamming non stop in relay, LOL LOL.


as above, shanghai already protest & riot, fight with police & army, what is next>
reach the trigger point to topple govt or govt send tanks to deal with china people>
shanghai p already boiling, dare to F ccp govt, anti govt, but they dare to use blood>
shanghai people F govt policy now, they refuse to test anymore, F govt rubbish policy to hell, well done!!!


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