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Full Version: Like Stalingrad, Mariupol holds out against all odds
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Unbroken by a Russian blockade and relentless bombardment, the key port of Mariupol is still holding out, a symbol of staunch Ukrainian resistance that has thwarted the Kremlin's invasion plans.

More than six weeks after the Russian siege began, Ukrainian troops are continuing to fight the vastly superior Russian forces in ferocious battles amid the ruins of what once was a bustling city on the Sea of Azov coast.

The Ukrainians' fight against all odds has scuttled Moscow's designs, tying up significant Russian forces and delaying the start of a planned Russian offensive in eastern Ukraine's industrial heartland, Donbas. The Kremlin hopes that an attack in the east could reverse the battlefield fortunes for Russia after a humiliating failure of its attempt to quickly storm the Ukrainian capital, Kyiv.

Mariupol has been a key objective for Russia since the start of its invasion on Feb. 24. Capturing the city would allow Moscow to establish a land corridor to Ukraine's Crimean Peninsula that Russia annexed in 2014 and deprive Ukraine of a major port and prized industrial assets.
sure, mariupol still hold on with ukraine although the whole donbass area almost 90% of people are russian speaking.
comie dogs here lies 50x here said mariupol already surrender, lost to russia or ukraine kill ukraine here or all kind of BS & lies non stop 7-24 here.
after 50 days of war, russia cant even occupy mariupol, a small town so closed to russia border from Ukraine, russia is 10000x bigger than mariupol yet cant do it, what rubbish shit russia military is, why morons here still can brainwash by dogs here, not real morons is what just because of skin color>

