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Full Version: Putin has the world by the throat and its going to get a lot worse
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That's what happen when a dog is pushed too far into a corner. It will turn around a bite ferociously. ..... Rolleyes
all these bloody comie dogs here really stir rubbish shit here to con or brainwash morons 7-24.
whole world know this round surge in oil price due to russia invade Ukraine, then blame biden & US, what rubbish is this.
putin, this bloody bastard nazi invaders & human killer, all is waiting to see how he dies soon like hitler.
no one give a shit to putin, this world with him only more blood & tragedy for more family, as for oil price, if this world cut off all oil & gas from russia, how much I have no problem to pay for it, never rely anything on evil devil, pay for peace of mind & freedom.
(16-04-2022, 08:58 AM)kokee Wrote: [ -> ]all these bloody 

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(16-04-2022, 08:58 AM)kokee Wrote: [ -> ]all these bloody comie dogs here really stir rubbish shit here to con or brainwash morons 7-24.
whole world know this round surge in oil price due to russia invade Ukraine, then blame biden & US, what rubbish is this.
putin, this bloody bastard nazi invaders & human killer, all is waiting to see how he dies soon like hitler.
no one give a shit to putin, this world with him only more blood & tragedy for more family, as for oil price, if this world cut off all oil & gas from russia, how much I have no problem to pay for it, never rely anything on evil devil, pay for peace of mind & freedom.

with US drone on work, putin will even hide like rat now, US drones has killed few top leaders of evil world last few yrs.
US drone together with elon musk starlink & more AI information, just do it to all these evil leaders, will xi be the next, if putin was done, then xi will be super super panic till insane.
all these treat human life like dirt devils must be gone to ensure a safe & peaceful world in future.
russia & china communist love to twist news to lies, self create fake as communist can only use propaganda to brainwash their moronic people to be slavery, to sacrify their one & only life to dictator to fight for their personal evil goal, communist news is what they want their slavery to listen, definitely not truth & fact, unlike free world, that is why no freedom & human right in dictator china & russia.
wake up, enjoy the one & only life you have in this world, not for dictator or anyone, that is why comie dogs here will never want to go back to china to be slavery there & never convert all their asset to RMB & china asset but they will bark at forumers here to do so as liars.

普京的小命悬了! 美国将军援乌克兰“收割者”无人战斗机! 扯谎成性的俄罗斯媒体!