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Full Version: Shanghai targets lockdown turning point by Wednesday
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If other Chinese cities face lockdown I pity them but not Shanghai. People in Shangahi known to be materialistic and unfeeling.
26 million people, 5 times of Spore’s population, you can imagine how long it takes to clean up,  every resident everyday must do 1 ART and 1 PCR test for a few weeks until no more positive test results, those tested positive will be sent to nearby towns for recovery.
people think lockdown is forever.once clear all the sicked back to normal. no half time 6 job.other countries turn to lock down ,coming .
Can some one explains how thus works? How is shanghai going to hit zero covid by Wed?...cases are still climbing.
sure, that mark the total lost of xi & ccp china, 0 case [policy is total lies & BS, same as all the BS news by cctv or cgtn por globaltimes, BS as they like, as they want the people to listen, fact & truth are totally not important, important is lies to con or brainwash the whole country, all these moronic slavery of china.
come wednesday, they will shout lies super loud, victory of Xi & ccp china, beat the virus & end of covid in china, bark lies shamelessly is norm to all comie dogs here & china, they just bark lies as they like regardless of fact or truth, as long as lick & worship themselves & their balls, just bark, that is why all comie dogs here post almost 100% are lies & BS, no truth & fact.


(18-04-2022, 01:29 PM)sgbuffett Wrote: [ -> ]Can some one explains how thus works? How is shanghai going to hit zero covid by Wed?...cases are still climbing.

Case climbing is ok, because that is what they wanted, they ask people do 2 PCR tests per day for a few weeks, if one test result is positive, you will be removed from the community and put in outskirts centre or small towns outside Shanghai. They are doing multiple rounds to weed out all the ‘bad eggs’….as Shanghai has 26 million people, even if they put so much manpower for PCR testing and result checking, to complete everything by Wednesday (deadline given by Xi?) is very challenging, realistically needs another week.
(18-04-2022, 01:35 PM)kokee Wrote: [ -> ]sure, that mark the total lost of xi & ccp china, 0 case [policy is total lies & BS, same as all the BS news by cctv or cgtn por globaltimes, BS as they like, as they want the people to listen, fact & truth are totally not important, important is lies to con or brainwash the whole country, all these moronic slavery of china.
come wednesday, they will shout lies super loud, victory of Xi & ccp china, beat the virus & end of covid in china, bark lies shamelessly is norm to all comie dogs here & china, they just bark lies as they like regardless of fact or truth, as long as lick & worship themselves & their balls, just bark, that is why all comie dogs here post almost 100% are lies & BS, no truth & fact.


(18-04-2022, 01:40 PM)theold Wrote: [ -> ]Repent

moron, this is your pcc idol.
stupid dog only start all these personal rubbish, know nut to discuss topic, LOL LOL.
he shorting with BB
(18-04-2022, 01:43 PM)kokee Wrote: [ -> ]moron, this is your pcc idol.
stupid dog only start all these personal rubbish, know nut to discuss topic, LOL LOL.

Stupid century,  shameless Kokee  Laughing
(18-04-2022, 01:04 PM)Blin Wrote: [ -> ]people think lockdown is forever.once clear all the sicked back to normal. no half time 6 job.other countries turn to lock down ,coming .

possible it is forever.
proviso ZERO Covid
only singlon will give you this answer