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Or just foolishly believing in a religion that promises eternal life by just believing Jesus died on cross to save the world for our sins

And they die not knowing if their belief actually true or not, as eternal life means what ah?
"The co-founder of a Singapore church and five other leaders have been sentenced to jail terms of up to eight years for fraudulently diverting millions of dollars to support his wife's pop singing career.

The mix of faith and fraud has fascinated tightly-regulated Singapore, where such cases are rare in an affluent city-state with little tolerance for corruption.

Senior pastor Kong Hee is head of City Harvest Church, one of a growing number of Singapore's megachurches preaching a "prosperity gospel" that blends spiritual and material aspirations."
Better dun talk about other religions here. If dun believe then just dun believe and leave them alone.
All have sinned no one is pure.

There wasn't Christianity but there was Catholic, Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism and others before Christ. Islamic came after Christ.

Jesus did not ask of you to go to church and whatever else. All He did was come as lamb of God to die for all sinners. And he came to give new covenant, Love God and thy neighbor. He asked of all to accept God's grace and gift. Establish your own personal relationship with God, that's all.

The debate, if any , will be long,arduous and endless. 
Staunch believers will stick firmly to their beliefs come what may.

Non believers and agnostics will be cynical and mock them off.

Diversity makes up this world.
(23-04-2022, 10:07 PM)Sticw Wrote: [ -> ]All have sinned no one is pure.

There wasn't Christianity but there was Catholic, Buddhism, Hinduism, Taoism and others before Christ. Islamic came after Christ.

Jesus did not ask of you to go to church and whatever else. All He did was come as lamb of God to die for all sinners. And he came to give new covenant, Love God and thy neighbor. He asked of all to accept God's grace and gift. Establish your own personal relationship with God, that's all.


Like that im a Christian already but what is eternal life? Can i reject it but still be a Christian?
Never ending, why argue? Live and let live.

Thank God I am not a Christian.
(23-04-2022, 10:15 PM)Sentinel Wrote: [ -> ]Like that im a Christian already but what is eternal life? Can i reject it but still be a Christian?

When God created man, we were without sin and was to be eternal with Him.

Then with Adam and Eve came the first sin. And as man distance and turned his back on God we went further away.

What is eternal life? In the kingdom of God where we live with Him, we have a new body that will never age, ill (no need to eat, sleep or have sex), eternally.
(23-04-2022, 10:24 PM)Sticw Wrote: [ -> ]When God created man, we were without sin and was to be eternal with Him.

Then with Adam and Eve came the first sin. And as man distance and turned his back on God we went further away.

What is eternal life? In the kingdom of God where we live with Him, we have a new body that will never age, ill (no need to eat, sleep or have sex), eternally.

I dun like eternal life

Can reject ethernal life and still be a Christian?
(23-04-2022, 10:31 PM)Sentinel Wrote: [ -> ]I dun like eternal life

Can reject ethernal life and still be a Christian?

I never really think that far about all the eternal stuff etc. Just accept the Grace and then try your best to live out as close to as best you can how Jesus was on earth. Then spend time in a relationship with your maker.
(23-04-2022, 10:36 PM)Sticw Wrote: [ -> ]I never really think that far about all the eternal stuff etc. Just accept the Grace and then try your best to live out as close to as best you can how Jesus was on earth. Then spend time in a relationship with your maker

This eternal life gift is integral to the faith as the Lord's Prayer is all about Jesus died on the cross for our sins so we can have eternal life. If we believe in this, we are a Christian

So if we accept that Jesus died on the cross for our sins but reject this unexplained unknown unproven notion of eternal life, even though it is a gift, we are not a Christian, right?
(23-04-2022, 10:55 PM)Sentinel Wrote: [ -> ]This eternal life gift is integral to the faith as the Lord's Prayer is all about Jesus died on the cross for our sins so we can have eternal life. If we believe in this, we are a Christian

So if we accept that Jesus died on the cross for our sins but reject this unexplained unknown unproven notion of eternal life, even though it is a gift, we are not a Christian, right?

As long as you confessed your sins and accepted his Grace you are forgiven and in exchanged you are seen as part of Jesus and goes back to God.

Maybe when your time is up you can talk to God about eternity. 

Jesus said that when he returns in his second coming he will judge and he will reject many who calls upon him as he know not of them. I believe what he said was that you can accept grace but you must take up your cross and walk like he did his ways. There will still be judgement. It is not a free pass to sin willfully. And he said eternity for life on this earth is not the final destination. You are in this world but not of this world. Perhaps there are still many things to be done beyond this current reality. Even the observable universe is only a fraction of reality or illusion. And God is beyond this space and time and so will his kingdom be beyond our comprehension.

Safe to say you can stop thinking about this eternal life but focus on your relationship with God.

Beyond this I have no further answers for you my friend.
(23-04-2022, 11:22 PM)Sticw Wrote: [ -> ]As long as you confessed your sins and accepted his Grace you are forgiven and in exchanged you are seen as part of Jesus and goes back to God.

Maybe when your time is up you can talk to God about eternity. 

Jesus said that when he returns in his second coming he will judge and he will reject many who calls upon him as he know not of them. I believe what he said was that you can accept grace but you must take up your cross and walk like he did his ways. There will still be judgement. It is not a free pass to sin willfully. And he said eternity for life on this earth is not the final destination. You are in this world but not of this world. Perhaps there are still many things to be done beyond this current reality. Even the observable universe is only a fraction of reality or illusion. And God is beyond this space and time and so will his kingdom be beyond our comprehension.

Safe to say you can stop thinking about this eternal life but focus on your relationship with God.

Beyond this I have no further answers for you my friend.

It"s ok. I really don't need eternal life as i cannot believé in something i cannot comprehend or understand even though it is as a free gift promised to me when Jesus recognizes me during judgment day, so i guess Christianity is not for me then
I have a feeling God did not create Man.
ET did
When I think of the Sun she looks like one who gets her energy behind the canvas
(23-04-2022, 09:51 PM)Sentinel Wrote: [ -> ]Or just foolishly believing in a religion that promises eternal life by just believing Jesus died on cross to save the world for our sins

And they die not knowing if their belief actually true or not, as eternal life means what ah?

You got nothing to do better go fly kites, people want to believe is their right, who are u???

At least they got religion, u got a che by mouth and asshole brain..
(23-04-2022, 11:22 PM)Sticw Wrote: [ -> ]As long as you confessed your sins and accepted his Grace you are forgiven and in exchanged you are seen as part of Jesus and goes back to God.

Maybe when your time is up you can talk to God about eternity. 

Jesus said that when he returns in his second coming he will judge and he will reject many who calls upon him as he know not of them. I believe what he said was that you can accept grace but you must take up your cross and walk like he did his ways. There will still be judgement. It is not a free pass to sin willfully. And he said eternity for life on this earth is not the final destination. You are in this world but not of this world. Perhaps there are still many things to be done beyond this current reality. Even the observable universe is only a fraction of reality or illusion. And God is beyond this space and time and so will his kingdom be beyond our comprehension.

Safe to say you can stop thinking about this eternal life but focus on your relationship with God.

Beyond this I have no further answers for you my friend.

Agree with u christian, Jesus got great compassion even when people crucify him, he said forgive them.

I got no religion, i follow teaching the the buddha to eradicate suffering..

This guy call SENTINEL... I think he should call insanetinel from IMH..nothing better to do bring up this sensitive subject looking for fight,

Ignore this low IQ and cheap guy..
(23-04-2022, 11:33 PM)Sentinel Wrote: [ -> ]It"s ok. I really don't need eternal life as i cannot believé in something i cannot comprehend or understand even though it is as a free gift promised to me when Jesus recognizes me during judgment day, so i guess Christianity is not for me then

Then u shd keep yr big mouth shut, what other believe got nothing to do with u. 

U are obviously picking up fight with other by posting such a sensitive subject.

I think u go wash yr face with my urine,, u sure wake up yr stupid idea,
(24-04-2022, 01:37 AM)victortan Wrote: [ -> ]You got nothing to do better go fly kites, people want to believe is their right, who are u???

At least they got religion, u got a che by mouth and asshole brain..

There is nothing great about having a religion.

You have just shown it!  Tongue
The journey is long to salvation not just John 3:16
even Siddhartha Gotama when coming out of enlightenment
when everyone expected him to say something great :
Let us eat first
(24-04-2022, 01:44 AM)victortan Wrote: [ -> ]Then u shd keep yr big mouth shut, what other believe got nothing to do with u. 

U are obviously picking up fight with other by posting such a sensitive subject.

I think u go wash yr face with my urine,, u sure wake up yr stupid idea,
You're an abject moron
Can't answer even a simple religious question
No wonder PAP can remain in power for so many years because of abject morons like you
you are born with a brain and you are not using it.

look at yourself...your very own existence is the proof that GOD exists.

Dun believe ? Every night you sleep and then wake up the next day...Do you dream ?

You dream is the very evidence that there is a Creator...since your brain needs to rest by dreaming.

Get it now ?
Still dun ?

Look at all the animals...all sleep and then wake..this is very proof GOD created all of us.

Look at the minerals and all the Earth dust...they dun sleep and dream..they are inanimate.

Hence GOD put our souls into all of us to have an image like Him except the rest of the living things.

Still dun get it ? You are really dumb...I pray for you after you died.
Only those chosen by GOD Himself will believe in Christ..since logically by the mathematical laws and theory...the unbelievers will have to be eliminated from getting a place in His coming Kingdom.
(23-04-2022, 09:51 PM)Sentinel Wrote: [ -> ]Or just foolishly believing in a religion that promises eternal life by just believing Jesus died on cross to save the world for our sins

And they die not knowing if their belief actually true or not, as eternal life means what ah?

They just do everything in church can liao lah!
Therefore, there is no point trying to argue with non-believers about Christ since only the chosen ones will be eventually led to believe just like me. I was an unbeliever until I saw GOD and I believe in eternity now.
(24-04-2022, 05:57 AM)*天哥* Wrote: [ -> ]you are born with a brain and you are not using it.

look at yourself...your very own existence is the proof that GOD exists.

Dun believe ? Every night you sleep and then wake up the next day...Do you dream ?

You dream is the very evidence that there is a Creator...since your brain needs to rest by dreaming.

Get it now ?
Believing in GOD and believing eternal life as espoused in the Christian bible are two very different mental frameworks

Besides, the concept of believing in God is not exclusive to those who believe in the Christian faith

There are non Christians who are religious and fully believe in God and many believe in different Gods and many Gods

The debate manufactured to pit Evolutionist with Creationist is so darn Christian centric and it obviously a distraction manufactured by naive or highly manipulated minds to kelong unsuspecting individual souls into the Chrístian faith
(24-04-2022, 06:04 AM)*天哥* Wrote: [ -> ]Therefore, there is no point trying to argue with non-believers about Christ since only the chosen ones will be eventually led to believe just like me. I was an unbeliever until I saw GOD and I believe in eternity now.

I don't believe lah!
In fact there are Christians already knew I was one of the chosen ones even when I was a non-believer. Somehow GOD informed them...and I have them inviting me to churches, and a few of my father's Christian friends even bravely visited my Taoist Tangki granny home to see me and invite me.
(24-04-2022, 06:08 AM)cheekopekman Wrote: [ -> ]I don't believe lah!

because you are a cheekopek la..but your cheeko is no match to me before I was a Christian. I was a playboy and must have had around 200 girlfriends until I became a Christian and stop the cheekopek act LAH
(24-04-2022, 06:10 AM)*天哥* Wrote: [ -> ]because you are a cheekopek la..but your cheeko is no match to me before I was a Christian. I was a playboy and must have had around 200 girlfriends until I became a Christian and stop the cheekopek act LAH

I never compare with you mah!
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