SG Talk

Full Version: Beijing orders lockdown of some buildings, residents to take 3 Covid-19 tests
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already more than half of beijing already lock down, few building only?
when bark about taiwan, so serious, LOL LOL, all these comie dogs here.
May1 holiady coming, no need to work lock down at home for the whole of May & longer?


(26-04-2022, 12:11 PM)kokee Wrote: [ -> ]already more than half of beijing already lock down, few building only?
when bark about taiwan, so serious, LOL LOL, all these comie dogs here.
May1 holiady coming, no need to work lock down at home for the whole of May & longer?


[Image: BB220-BD4-9035-47-E5-9683-DE5-EB97-E6-D71.jpg]

Really meh? Huh

[Image: 63-A79-B8-F-0-D56-4-C83-836-E-583293-C5-E8-CA.jpg]

Is that you, Kokee? Rotfl