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Traditional jobs that local Malays do are all taken by cheap pinoy beggar and other foreign traxhes, they also depress their salaries
They become bomohs? Big Grin
(29-08-2021, 07:47 PM)Tangsen Wrote: [ -> ]Traditional jobs that local Malays do are all taken by cheap pinoy beggar and other foreign traxhes, they also depress their salaries

True ..u want to join me ?
Election coming ??

Government to give “full support” to initiatives that will help more Malay households own homes: PM Lee ..

[Image: 200w.gif]
National Day Rally 2021: All races treated equally in S'pore, with no special privileges, says PM Lee 

[Image: giphy-3.gif]

Damn boring speech .... zzzz
Bak chor mee got hum? Laughing
create many grab food jobs past 5 years.
$1,400 min wage for locals ? 

Enough meh?
(29-08-2021, 08:39 PM)RichDad Wrote: [ -> ]$1,400 min wage for locals ? 

Enough meh?

Ask you to live in rental flat mah? Thinking
They dont know Sg living cost is so high.
Quote:Singapore must not turn its back on foreigners or give the impression that it is becoming xenophobic, warns PM Lee.

As what I've expected, he's accusing us of being xenophobic where in reality, we're one of the most hospitable people around. He's simply not facing to the fact that this country cannot accept large numbers of foreigners in too short a time, much less from a country whose culture is alien and its people unlikely to assimilate.
(29-08-2021, 07:51 PM)EXBB Wrote: [ -> ]True ..u want to join me ?

You are not exBB .... you are fake ... fugg off
From November, Muslim nurses can opt to don tudung if they wish to so.

Those vested must be so happy and proud.
A coveted bonus indeed.
(29-08-2021, 09:07 PM)hansamu Wrote: [ -> ]From November, Muslim nurses can opt to don tudung if they wish to so.

Those vested  must be so happy and proud.
A coveted bonus indeed.

can non muslim nurses opt to wear tudung like dressing ?
(29-08-2021, 09:19 PM)forum456 Wrote: [ -> ]can non muslim nurses opt to wear tudung like dressing ?

Later they said you're trying to laugh at them, then ISD will call u up for coffee.
everytime blame Singaporeans ... maybe it works for pioneer generation but not the next few .... the white country selling thieves will lose a few more votes
he rightly look at lifting the poors income. that will be much more help then trying
to help the rich.
the side impact. those retired is going to find cost of living going up.
He usually touch on the irrelevant and unimportant in NDP rallies.

It's like a failed stand-up comedy show meant for his imbecile followers.
Still stuck to God saves the Queen.
ur bak chor mee price increasing soon.
(30-08-2021, 09:13 AM)OLT Wrote: [ -> ]ur bak chor mee price increasing soon.

ya we know abt the Quadtrillion Dola derivatives betting game
and the triffin delima.
Not toking watch the water and Fire.
Would be good if he had touched on more assistance for the poor, seniors, retirees and those with zero incomes during this tough time.

Apparently, racial and religious issues are more important. Sigh.
(30-08-2021, 08:22 AM)sclim Wrote: [ -> ]he rightly look at lifting the poors income. that will be much more help then trying
to help the rich.
the side impact. those retired is going to find cost of living going up.

More like coming inflation so wages rise.
You can't even juice the economy.
Velocity of money will increase.
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