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Full Version: Putin to UN chief: 'You've been misled' about Mariupol's situation
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UN is trying to let Top officers trapped not even a fly can escape to escape
They are ordered to fight to the death and allow nothing secrets leaking out.
They need to surrender to Putin dat what it is all abt.
Situation grave
Attack is self defence
Putin learn abt the plot at Khazahstan
I am not too sure UN Chief was misled but quite sure UN is under the control of US and its allies. It is not neutral at all......... Rolleyes
BTW below MATI
one of the Top officer
[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-04-27-19-24-38.png]
no asking how i know
u know tualengkong one says something the other says something
it becomes a cake.
(27-04-2022, 07:21 PM)Huliwang Wrote: [ -> ]I am not too sure UN Chief was misled but quite sure UN is under the control of US and its allies. It is not neutral at all......... Rolleyes

Obviously UN is ' literally USA spokeman " behind with EU.

I always see UN is not United Nations all along. Is more like a Western Organisation. They don't say put Asia in their eyes EXPECT China. Partly China is another Big bro in this world beside USA.
(25-04-2022, 05:36 AM)kokee Wrote: [ -> ]putin health definitely in huge problem, same to china xi, karma.
let them suffer, insane, pain till died.
give them more stress & pressure everyday, they deserve it.



this bloody evil moron still can talk so much nonsense?
only morons still believe he dares to appear in public, go back to his underground like hitler, ending soon, LOL LOL.
totally out of control now.

抖抖抖!抖不停 普丁詭異手抖疑生病

All his men
[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-04-02-08-02-20.png]
Putin's words can trust? .. initially he said he won't invade. Then he call it special ops then he say he wants to liberate Ukrainian people (by bombing them?)
Just surrender to Putin under the Geneva convention
Once matters completed Russia will leave Ukraine
[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-04-27-19-54-06.png]
It took 62 frigging long days, thousands dead and millions displaced, for the UN chief to get off his butts and start talking to both sides

Such a bladi useless fella
(28-04-2022, 07:39 AM)kokee Wrote: [ -> ]all these moronic comie dogs here, yesterday bark got weapons no ammunition, ow bark wrong choices, all these know nut.
43 countries led by US to fight against russia, supply  & support all weapons to ukraine to attack russia, if all 43 countries action together against russia what will happen? useless & nazi russia can only bark nukes, LOL LOL.
russia almost  use up their weapons & ammunition, no money to produce more now, surrender is just a matter of time.

4.27 【40國圍攻!】40國將領“歷史性“聯合會議商討對抗俄羅斯! 俄爹憤怒了!


after 62 days, russia still cant control 1 inch of Ukraine land yet almost >50% of their junk weapons & army already destroyed.
behind Ukraine 43 country, almost unlimited supply of latest weapons & army, russia & putin already game over, putin can only use mouth to threaten & who F car of this nazi moron now, almost 80% in coffin, F him off anytime.
Putin is talking rubbish and nonsense. Initiated attacks on a country and yet claiming UN is misled. What kind of logic is this?
(28-04-2022, 01:46 PM)Gemstar Wrote: [ -> ]Putin is talking rubbish and nonsense. Initiated attacks on a country and yet claiming UN is misled. What kind of logic is this?

What's wrong? Isn't everyone now a days like this? Just like how Daily the current PAP brag around etc
(27-04-2022, 07:37 PM)sgbuffett Wrote: [ -> ]Putin's words can trust? .. initially he said he won't invade. Then he call it special ops then he say he wants to liberate Ukrainian people (by bombing them?)

To be fair, Putin didn't use the word "invasion" - he already stated this is a special military operation on Day-1.

Even when US invaded Iraq and Afghanistan, no one in Washington admit those were "invasion", calling it a "War against Terror"
(27-04-2022, 07:54 PM)singlon Wrote: [ -> ][Image: Screenshot-from-2022-04-27-19-54-06.png]

A public slip by a famous US State Dept official when asked about existence of "Chemical or Biological weapons" in Ukraine during a Mar'22 Washington hearing. Listen to the way US official Victoria Nuland avoid directly answering if those labs are actually Bio-weapon facilities.

Goodness mylauhero kun
[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-04-28-17-23-24.png]
woa serious leh
comie dogs here bark lies 7/24 here not going to change hard truth, all the communist source of shit has been wrong & fake all the time, still has so many brainless here read & watch all these liars posts, wrong all the time, these morons still believe & read, real morons.
whole world know putin & russia already game over, threatening is useless, no one give a shit to russia, whether is military or economy, only comie liars here bark lies so panic & desperately.
same to china, all the way down.

4.28 【垂S掙扎的普京?!】美智庫踢爆普京面對5個負面現象! 俄羅斯一直走下坡路!


all the world's organisations instititions r located in the land of the bullies who have bankrolled financed them .
Must die die follow master's wishes , otherwise they will dissapear into thin air.,
generally game over for putin  russia.
of course, they can continue to struggle for month & yrs, the longer russia & putin drag, russia will sink harder & see more bloods.

前线俄军进攻无力,后方普京猛打口炮! 英国国防大臣:乌军有权使用西方武器打击俄境内目标! 美国宣布疫情结束!

The ground shakes
[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-04-28-18-01-40.png]
(27-04-2022, 07:12 PM)singlon Wrote: [ -> ]UN is trying to let Top officers trapped not even a fly can escape to escape
They are ordered to fight to the death and allow nothing secrets leaking out.
They need to surrender to Putin dat what it is all abt.

Anyone can confirm this is real since report appear on 2 May ?  Notice no major western media like CNN, BBC, Bloomberg nor Washington Post dare to  deny or reject his capture in Mariupol. Coincidentally, Canandian gov admit he had "retired" from Canadian military recently over a "sex scandal" and went to Ukraine to "fight Russians".... Laughing

"Russian armed forces have arrested ex-Canadian General Trevor Cadieu in Mariupol overnight Monday and have him detained in Moscow awaiting trial. The Canadian Armed Forces ex-general, currently under investigation for sexual harassment, retired from the forces on April 5 and is said to have gone to Ukraine to help fight the Russian invasion, according to multiple sources cited by the Ottawa Citizen.

[Image: April-2022-Standard-Graphics-5.png]
(05-05-2022, 05:39 PM)kokee Wrote: [ -> ]comie dogs spam whatever lies & BS on Ukraine, truth is russia already gone case, putin sick till game over soon, russia military power already cant make it, wait to be attack or surrender eventually, russia just wait  to be slaughtered when NATO, US & Ukraine want it, comie can bark whatever nonsense.
russia army die likely >30000 now, much more than 4 yrs war with chechen, weapons destroy >50%. After 75 days of war, not even control 1 inch of Ukraine land, comie can ie to con or brainwash morons here.

5.5 【傷亡慘重!】玩不下去了! 俄羅斯錄音流出! 俄陣亡人數比四年車臣戰爭還要更多!

all these comie clowns & brainless morons here, LOL LOL.
There are four more Big Sharks in the steel plant.
(05-05-2022, 06:09 PM)Niubee Wrote: [ -> ]There are four more Big Sharks in the steel plant.

Mounting evidence Canada trained Ukrainian extremists

With mounting evidence pointing to the Canadian Armed Forces having trained members of Ukraine’s military who are also reported to be part of extremist groups, experts say The The group in question – which calls itself Military Order Centuria, or simply Centuria, has links to the far-right Azov movement.

Photo from FB account of Azov regiment member Kyrylo Berkal appears to show Canadian instructors (background) involved with their training.

[Image: kirt-pic-1-1-5879426-1651103669882.png]
Back in 2018 report of Canadian soldliers training in Ukraine.

(05-05-2022, 06:00 PM)Manthink Wrote: [ -> ]Anyone can confirm this is real since report appear on 2 May ?  Notice no major western media like CNN, BBC, Bloomberg nor Washington Post dare to  deny or reject his capture in Mariupol. Coincidentally, Canandian gov admit he had "retired" from Canadian military recently over a "sex scandal" and went to Ukraine to "fight Russians".... Laughing

"Russian armed forces have arrested ex-Canadian General Trevor Cadieu in Mariupol overnight Monday and have him detained in Moscow awaiting trial. The Canadian Armed Forces ex-general, currently under investigation for sexual harassment, retired from the forces on April 5 and is said to have gone to Ukraine to help fight the Russian invasion, according to multiple sources cited by the Ottawa Citizen.

[Image: April-2022-Standard-Graphics-5.png]

U.S  Joe Son, want! can ask him.... Clapping
(27-04-2022, 07:12 PM)singlon Wrote: [ -> ]UN is trying to let Top officers trapped not even a fly can escape to escape
They are ordered to fight to the death and allow nothing secrets leaking out.
They need to surrender to Putin dat what it is all abt.
U.S. Joe toy.
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