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Full Version: "Gepard" for Ukraine - The best German anti-aircraft tank is the wrong choice
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Ironically, the cheetah - that's how the collective exclamation of ex-officers and experts can be summed up in the face of the recent volte on the ongoing issue of arms deliveries to Ukraine. Because, according to the surprising offer by Federal Defense Minister Christine Lambrecht, Germany now wants to deliver decommissioned Gepard anti-aircraft tanks to the Ukraine.
the fact that these EU keep sending heavy weapons into Ukraine

that means longer fights and more death

at some point more deadlier weapons will be used

the problem with these jokers is that they keep harping that Russian attacked a peaceful and unprovoked Ukraine , but in reality Russians already thold them yrs ago if Ukraine join Nato , its a red line

So to Russian , it is strategic ..but to the west , to reduce the capability of the russians
[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-04-27-20-59-57.png]
miracle reali
IMF Director Kristalina Georgieva :
[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-04-27-23-49-05.png]
Ukraine need soviet tanks lah. cause they want to kill some ukrainians so to blame russia.
This is ukraine strategy.
Blame the president's wrong decision
Innocent citizens just got killed .Remind citizens of any country choose the right leader is important.
[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-04-28-02-51-17.png]
Russian INFLATION slowing down
all these moronic comie dogs here, yesterday bark got weapons no ammunition, ow bark wrong choices, all these know nut.
43 countries led by US to fight against russia, supply  & support all weapons to ukraine to attack russia, if all 43 countries action together against russia what will happen? useless & nazi russia can only bark nukes, LOL LOL.
russia almost  use up their weapons & ammunition, no money to produce more now, surrender is just a matter of time.

4.27 【40國圍攻!】40國將領“歷史性“聯合會議商討對抗俄羅斯! 俄爹憤怒了!
