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Full Version: Solomon Island PM Feels Insulted by the Rumourmongering By Australian Media
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Click and watch the PM of Solomon Island calling the accusation by Scott Morrison "utter nonsence"
These white colonial trashes ex convicts like their master are a bunch of green eyed, salty, low self esteem, insecure, envious little rats lah
from here to Solomon temple is now a stretch
Drama with its twists and turns we just have to wait
(24-04-2022, 05:47 AM)kokee Wrote: [ -> ]now china & soloman claimed there will not be any army station at this soloman base, scared liao after US warning.
china wanted to create trouble yet so scared due to china navy is so bloody weak, just want to stir shit but china need to pay huge sum in US$1B range to just yaya for few days, LOL LOL.
want to maintain this pact, china need to continuously pay soloman, for face only real foolish.


as above, china & soloman, bear your own responsibility if that is what both of them want to do.
dont complain & blame when things happen, all these bloody useless dogs can only complain & blame.
US, australia & the world can recognise taiwan as independent country due to this, china can swallow?
all these dogs just try to stir shit like come dogs here, lies & BS non stop 7/24 here.
same to all OBOR country today, bankrupt 1 by 1, pakistan starts now.

Solomon Islands: Can China afford to build a base in Australia's backyard? Taiwan will be safer

Anti-China chorus grows in Pakistan

(28-04-2022, 05:58 AM)kokee Wrote: [ -> ]as above, china & soloman, bear your own responsibility if that is what both of them want to do.
dont complain & blame when things happen, all these bloody useless dogs can only complain & blame.
US, australia & the world can recognise taiwan as independent country due to this, china can swallow?
all these dogs just try to stir shit like come dogs here, lies & BS non stop 7/24 here.
same to all OBOR country today, bankrupt 1 by 1, pakistan starts now.

Solomon Islands: Can China afford to build a base in Australia's backyard? Taiwan will be safer

Anti-China chorus grows in Pakistan

Ai ya, talk so much for what. Just say whoever is friend of CCP is my enemy..