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Full Version: Putin warns of 'lightning response' to intervention in Ukraine
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(27-04-2022, 05:45 AM)kokee Wrote: [ -> ]Ukraine army already attack into russia land 100+ km, problem is they dont bomb russia building & civillians, russia started it, ukraine must be more hooligan now.
let see ukraine can chase all russia army out of Ukraine in 4 weeks time then start to attack & bomb russia fully all the way to moscow with the support & supply from US, UK & NATO.

「打趴普丁」最關鍵4週!美軍召開40國援烏會議 削弱俄軍到無法重建!

赫尔松俄军弹药库被摧毁! 亚速团让俄军闻风丧胆! 28国驱逐俄罗斯外交官!

43 countries already form alliance to fight russia, who still F care of russia, warn my shit, if they are scared or worry, then they will not come forward to tell the world they join US group to fight Russia.
no one give a shit to russia today except china & comie dogs here.
Russia & putin already near the end, lack of weapons & ammunition now, economically near bankrupt, cant produce more weapons, china in super bad situation, no money, covid, jobless, stcok, property, RMB, bond, trade all dive straight down.
(28-04-2022, 07:36 AM)theold Wrote: [ -> ]

All NATO countries should start shooting missiles and dropping bombs in Russia liao lah! While Putin's armies are dying in Ukraine no more soldier in Russia liao lah!
He is always threatening others.
This war should not have have  started.
This war ends if he pulls his troops from somebody else's country.

He is the single person making decisions that caused many deaths and tragedies.

He spend so much of his country"s resources on military and wars. He poison rivals and have journalists assassinated.

The world should not listen to him.
Russia's lightning like a bit slow so far... Maybe still 1930s style..
(28-04-2022, 07:53 AM)sgbuffett Wrote: [ -> ]He is always threatening others.
This war should not have have  started.
This war ends if he pulls his troops from somebody else's country.

He is the single person making decisions that caused many deaths and tragedies.

He spend so much of his country"s resources on military and wars. He poison rivals and have journalists assassinated.

The world should not listen to him.

You shd go and read up History of Russia before commenting.
Don’t take side… Rotfl

Did you know Russia was once called 欧洲宪兵?
You still don’t understand.