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Full Version: “A clear signal to Germany – don’t send weapons”
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Poland and Bulgaria will cope with the delivery stop. And other gas companies in Europe have submitted to Russian ruble constraint. So you feel safe. However, a payment problem at a subsidiary of Gazprom Germania makes one sit up and take notice.

RObert Habeck chooses his words carefully and he doesn't like them at all: The gas supply stop for Poland and Bulgaria, which Russia imposed on Wednesday, cannot be described as a "warning signal". "It would be cynical to say that we are big and you can beat up the little ones," said the Economics Minister on Wednesday.
Let them use fire wood… Rotfl
what rubbish communist sources of BS, 43 countries already form to supply & support Ukraine.
Sweden gave the best weapons & faster in the world to Ukraine, plus all the best from UK, US, australia & ton more.
who still F care of russia today, all these comie dogs bark lies & nonsense here 7/24, if 43 countries action together to attack russia, what will happen? today russia already not much attacking power, lack of weapons & army, can only bark lies like comie dogs here.

瑞典向乌军提供 全世界射速最快的“弓箭手”榴弹炮!

4.27 【40國圍攻!】40國將領“歷史性“聯合會議商討對抗俄羅斯! 俄爹憤怒了!
