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NTUC thinks that all Singaporeans are halal?

I got this from small void deck shops-

[Image: IMG-4336.jpg]
At least Sheng Siong has this Pork Broth Stock

Made in Malaysia-

[Image: IMG-4337.jpg]
Yes; we Chinese also love to eat pork; eg satay, bake ku teh, char siew etc....why only sell chicken meat and mutton ?
Otherwise, can go Shoppee online

Knorr from Thailand

[Image: TH-pork-broth-cubes.png]
(03-05-2022, 01:29 PM)ysh02 Wrote: [ -> ]Yes; we Chinese also love to eat pork; eg satay, bake ku teh, char siew etc....why only sell chicken meat and mutton ?

Make Chinese cuisine like thieves in our own country
From Taiwan

have Pork Rib Soup

[Image: Knorr-chicken-beef-and-seafood-cubes.png]
(03-05-2022, 01:24 PM)Ola Wrote: [ -> ]At least Sheng Siong has this Pork Broth Stock

Made in Malaysia-

[Image: IMG-4337.jpg]

Don't know what they add into the powder to make it super tasty...

The secret recipe could be harmful to our bodies...
Tried Swanson

One thick layer of oil

Taste average like Knorr Pork Broth Powder

[Image: Swanson-Pork-Bone-Broth.png]