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Full Version: Why anti-communist putin hated Jews, bec a Jew was a Mao's General?
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From 1941 he served the Chinese Communist force as a field doctor for the New Fourth Army, the Eighth Route Army and the Northeast People's Liberation Army during the outbreak of Second Sino-Japanese War and Chinese Civil War. During this time he became closely acquainted with Luo Ronghuan and Chen Yi. He became a member of the Chinese Communist Party in 1942.[9][5][13] He became a general in the Chinese army.[8][1][9][4]

Rosenfeld acted as a surgeon for injured soldiers, often performing surgery in a small boat.[6] Due to the severe shortage of doctors he founded the Huazhong Medical School, which trained the medical teams for the New Fourth Army.[7] He gave lectures about anatomy, physiology and surgery.[13]

He chose to remain in China after the fall of the Nazi regime and participated in the People's Liberation Army's march on Beijing before returning in November 1949 to Europe to search for relatives, most of whom had perished in the Holocaust.[8]
all these moronic russia & china are the same, face is super important than truth to them, lies is norm & nothing, their values are totally wrong, same as comie dogs here, bark lies is nnorm & nothing, that is why they keep spamming lies here as long as can lick & worship their doggie master.
these stir shit 7/24 globally, now song liao, Israel send their weapons & army to Ukraine.
Of course we need Israel in middle east, then aall the dogs tiam tiam like kitten.
