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Full Version: Taiwan: Severely ill woman in her 20s dies! 3 doses, no chronic disease can't escape
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On the afternoon of May 2, when the command center held a press conference to explain the latest progress of the epidemic, it said, "There is a severe case of a woman in her 20s who has no history of chronic disease and has received three doses of the vaccine." 

A close friend who claimed to be the woman in her 20s pointed out that the critically ill patient had died. Today (5/4), the command center confirmed at a press conference that the woman in her 20s died on May 1.

Luo Yijun pointed out that this case, 3 doses of BNT vaccine, no history of chronic medical conditions, 4/30 condition changes, high oxygen demand, intubation and respirator, and use of remdesivir and steroids, immunomodulators, antibiotics, etc., transferred to the intensive care unit of the medical center, but the next day (5/1) still occurred in the ventricle Vibration, CPR failed and passed away.

The cause of death was new coronary pneumonia with septic shock and multiple organ failure, and it was confirmed that there was no possibility of bacterial infection.

According to the information released by the command center on May 2, the woman in her 20s had no history of chronic diseases. On 4/26, she developed symptoms of fever and diarrhea. She went to the doctor for medical examination for diagnosis, and then returned home for home care. On 29, she went to the hospital again, and the examination found that there were problems such as low blood pressure and abnormal renal function.