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Full Version: VIDEO: Japan’s population drops by 644,000 in 2021
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Correct what half died of C19.
Dropped can be clearer.. every country also have drops , what are the ups ?
From the angle of economy you want a forever rising size of workforce to keep it growing. Pause and think for a while about this. What does it mean? Japan has the most crowded cities in 90s and cost of living rising. Such a model is not sustainable.

At some point something that is not sustainable.has to stop. The singapore govt is considering underground living just to sustain this longer.

A population shrinks. Pressure on cities space goes down and once population density decline fertility rate will go up and the situation will correct itself

The alternative is to do the opposite. As population density rise fertility drops, import more people to keep economy growing, causing population density to rise further and pressures to build up. Eventually the native Singaporean population shrinks and imported people become majority.

Japanese are not stupid. They weigh the pros and cons over long term and make their decisions. Shirt term pain just endure slower economy in the mean time. ...May be it is good because during the 80s era pressure was so high from the economic boom people were dying of stress.

The PAP way of solving problems is like this. As fertility rate drops due to high population density, use it as a pretext to import more people and push up population density causing fertility rate to drop further. Then they blame Singaporeans for not having more children...using this blame they import even more people causing population density to rise.

Why ignore science and facts just to push economy to grow?
The harm caused on the people will be high

[Image: 4aKr7Li.jpg]