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Full Version: Temasek Astrea Retail Bond 7
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Launch on 19 May 2022
Closed on 25 May 2022
Trading on 30 May 2022
Interest to be decided
Min application amount @ $2000
Why apply when you dont know the interest rate ?
Should be around 3%

In that case CPF special account is better
Cpf special acc, can in but no out till 55 yrs old.
Temasek’s Azalea launches Astrea 7 PE bonds with fixed coupon of 4.125% and 6%
This is like saying, you lend me some money, but I won't tell you how much interest rate you'd be getting.
Class A1 4.125%
Class B 6%
[Image: Astrea7_IPOBanner_Final_Desktop.png]
Astrea 7 Bond Series Management Presentation

[Image: c95869f5-cca5-43bc-986d-fbd098f1ed83.png]