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Full Version: TWN:Colleagues diagnosed with "other people go to work as usual" Guidelines released!
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Regarding the workplace, the Central Epidemic Command Center announced today that from tomorrow onwards, close contacts will only be separated from their family members, and the workplace will be changed on its own. 

Commander Chen Shizhong said that in the workplace, the director of workplace epidemic prevention was originally asked to make relevant comments, but now it is no longer clear, and it is still necessary to make some independent changes in the workplace.

Chen Shizhong said that if someone in the office is diagnosed, how to distinguish the most relevant? First, do the antigen quick screening only if you have symptoms, and don't do it if you have no symptoms. If the antigen quick screening is positive, follow the way of PCR to see if the diagnosis is confirmed. Second, some of the other people are high-risk, and some are low-risk. As long as the risk is low, they will continue to work. If they are high-risk, in addition to rapid screening for symptomatic antigens, if three doses of vaccine are given for 14 days, Continue to work like low-risk individuals and do self-monitoring until 7 days after the last contact day.

In addition, if asymptomatic, but the vaccine is not ready, Chen Shizhong said, work from home or self-isolate for the first 3 days, and perform antigen rapid screening every 1 or 2 days after that, until the last contact day is 7 days old.