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Full Version: Lessons from the death of Singapore’s liberal arts experiment
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The closure of Yale-NUS college proves that Singapore’s political and cultural landscape simply doesn’t work for the spirit of openness that a liberal arts education demands.

The mission of Yale-NUS was a lofty one from its inception: “A community of learning, Founded by two great universities, in Asia, for the world.” The promise of a liberal arts education in Asia was unprecedented — the region had been built on technical expertise and learning by rote, with a limited role for free discourse and dissent in a student’s formative years.

Hard sciences like mathematics, law and engineering were prized culturally over ‘soft’ subjects like literature and history, and parents would push their children to achieve grades at the expense of learning from a young age.
Meanwhile, freedom of thought and expression remained heavily censored across Asia — and there was perhaps no better embodiment of this than Singapore, the rich but authoritarian city-state that built its sterling global reputation on hard-nosed development and the suppression of alternative voices.
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Singapore is a semi authoritarian state

This types of open creative thinking will not survive here.

I think when the yale nus started many already predicted it cannot work.

I remember some courses were stopped from being conducted and all those type of problems.
Cannot have too many left wing parties... if not the cuntry always fly left... cannot fly right... however one needs a balance to fly smoothly ya...
I think it is a waste of money in the drain.

Why set up Liberal Arts College when we need IT Professionals? Who is that Minister who approved such an idea that slaps the see- saw with one end?

Sorry, that I am pissed off with the past 2 or 3 Education Ministers. A quota of 3,100 IT in our local varsities is a glaring proof of inability when we have to import 45,000 CECA instead. Using simple Math, it is a score of 7/100.

How can this ever happen?
Sg doesn't need to train so many people to talk cok!

We need more doers!
I don't see the value that Yae-NUS brought in the past few years. The programme seems quite similar to what NUS already teaches. The issue of academic freedom is overhyped.
(29-08-2021, 08:19 PM)alanis Wrote: [ -> ]Sg doesn't need to train so many people to talk cok!

We need more doers!

Obviously the ones already up there talking cock don't want too much strong competition.
So how to have a world class liberal arts school here? Song boh?        nudie nudie nudie nudie
We are a no nonsense state. No leeway for arty farty liberal thots or gheys Big Grin
(29-08-2021, 08:28 PM)p1acebo Wrote: [ -> ]We are a no nonsense state.  No leeway for arty farty liberal thots or gheys Big Grin

We already have one pinky. Why need more right? That's probably the idea. Song boh? nudie nudie nudie nudie
it's like fitting a square peg into a round hole, cannot means cannot