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Full Version: Ukraine thwarts Russian river-crossing, destroys at OVER 58 vehicles
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The remains of at least three Russian tanks and another four armoured infantry vehicles are seen on one bank of the river, along with other pieces of wreckage poking out from under the water
I can confirm that these were not Russian but Ukrainian losses.

Firstly, none of the trucks or tanks show any Z or V marking. If Ukraine wanted to remove any doubt that these were Russian losses, they would have shown clear pics with Russian markings.

Secondly, one of the pictures show what appears to be a burnt out big tank workshop. Now why would Russia bring an entire tank workshop to a river crossing? This was a Ukrainian tank workshop located in a Ukrainian tank base.

Thirdly, the report says this took place on 8 May, one day before Russian Victory Day. If this was truly Russian losses, Ukraine would have splashed it all over the headlines on V Day to humiliate Russia. But this came out only 3 days later.

Fourth, one would expect the Ukrainian government to claim credit for such a PR victory, which usually is the case. But it did not.

Last but not least, Ukrainian sources have a history of lying. Fictitious Ghost of Kyiv. Staged Pregnant girl in hospital. Fake "Russian losses" on Snake Island (twice).