SG Talk

Full Version: putin sibeh cham, lousy weapon performance now nobody wanna buy liao!
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(14-05-2022, 10:55 AM)kokee Wrote: [ -> ]modern war, all talk about technology.
how advanced & powerful is your IC to compute everything, also war information using IT.
1 hand held bomb can destroy 1 tank easily. 
all movement of russia army fully exposed.
china army dare to attack taiwan now? it will be much worse than Ukraine.


whole world know now russia weapons are total junk & russia military power already totally destroyed after Ukraine war & russia cant start any more war in next 20 yrs.
all these threaten world peace evil, russia & china, all has useless weapons to threaten only. same to all comie dogs here, now use nukes to threaten forumers here, this shown russia already gone case.
(14-05-2022, 10:06 PM)way Wrote: [ -> ]

crying crying crying

Lousy standards one lah!
more will go for ahtiong's ones, cheap and good, free delivery
I thought they have good weapons,,, but so so only leh.