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Full Version: G7 Nations Appealed to Russia to free up Ukrainian ports for grain exports
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[Image: 3-B0-FB021-ED9-F-45-B2-AF15-F2-F9-FB4-FE883.png]
No need to beg Russia, just impose more sanctions to Russia to hurt G7 nations themselves.
No gas, no oil, no grain and no Agri products from Russia and Ukraine can drive the EU and the world mad.
Open port for NATO to deliver weapons ah? Can cokee confirm?🤣🤣🤣
Can exchange conditions lah. Tell G7 Nations to appeal to US, Singapore and all countries to remove all sanctions imposed....... Big Grin
Opening ports are not the issues. Russia can even go Home
yet they r not happy.
yet we as Humanity needs to scrutinise even Putin for his mother is j ewish and he is a registrant of sotongs.
only good he has his name removed from site.
Rus say Ukr put sea mines, Ukr say Rus block the port.
Food inflation has potential going to regime change
a lot of world govts including the west.
Those going for elections from Jul onwards face growing pressure
once the current stock run out.
like 2 guys fighting, one asks pls dun hit my kkj can?
What's the deal? 
Remove santions first then talk.
(15-05-2022, 05:33 PM)Migrant Wrote: [ -> ]What's the deal? 
Remove santions first then talk.

Ask NATO to retreat 40000km from Russian borders before seeking any request with Moscow.
On second thought Putin better take this appeal seriously. If EU runs out of grain and goes hungry, NATO might be left with no choice but to enter the war to force open the ports. This action may consequently force Putin to deploy nuke and matter becomes grave. May be Putin shud let them release some grain but just enough so price goes up and caused economic collapse in EU.......  Big Grin
(15-05-2022, 02:54 PM)lvlrsSTI Wrote: [ -> ]No gas, no oil, no grain and no Agri products from Russia and Ukraine can drive the EU and the world mad.

How can politicians be so reckless.  they should known better . Russia purposely blocked you want Russia to unblocked. face saving not easy for both.
Somemore these EU leaders talk cock like the cock gang in this forum ... some more like yayapapaya invite Fuckland and Suckden to join NATO!
All visiting Ukraine and made Zelensky looking like an Emperor.
All paying their respects in Kiev.
Some brought money, some brought wespons.