SG Talk

Full Version: WP's Sengkang Town Council to manage constituency directly after tender draws no bids
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Kokee can ask your beloved Falun Gong Cult or AMTK daddy to help?  Thinking
Because they lack the power like PAP

to set up many Networking sessions for their own grassroots

for this Mr Or family business and alike
Come Govt tender always got a Problem

you go Gebiz can see yourself

Come civil servants open tender for project, works, they tend to " save their trouble " usually will get those same contractors back
SIMPLE save their time , need to Guide the new contractors what things need to check this and that.

Whereas they give to the SAME sub con, no need to spend time telling them as the sub con already used to have project thus know what to do, SO those so call " TSO , technical support officer inside public sectors/ stats boards will have less work for themselves "