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Full Version: MAS has cautioned investors against delving into "highly risky" cryptocurrency
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📉 MAS has cautioned investors against delving into "highly risky" cryptocurrency trading after the Terra Luna crash.


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They are very late warning people

They should.have just banned the crypto ponzi and may crypto illegal in Singapore.
Always horse back Cannon
(19-05-2022, 06:16 PM)sgbuffett Wrote: [ -> ]They are very late warning people

They should.have just banned the crypto ponzi and may crypto illegal in Singapore.

I think their intention not to banned but want to be a nice guy
funny than GIC go into aka using our country funds to play play?
Horse behind cannon?
luna drop 90% and many pple die
now then come out and 'caution' pple har
very clever hor
(19-05-2022, 06:16 PM)sgbuffett Wrote: [ -> ]They are very late warning people

They should.have just banned the crypto ponzi and may crypto illegal in Singapore.

Tharman has warned long ago. I took what he said very seriously.
It always boils down to one word: GREED.

Those buggers would be bragging if they made money and lots of it.

When they lost money, do they expect the government to rescue them or what?

The government can rescue losers with taxpayers monies. Right.

Privatize the gains, and socialise the losses. Right.
Same with people here who play stocks.

Made money, come here talk big big maciam rike investment guru.

Lost money, lost until pants drop, and they disappear from all forums.

Why? No more mood to post. Suicidal.
Kateks no more boasting... pain pain
Show that they know nuts!
china banned cryptocurrency. warrant buffet dont touch it either. they dont touch it, meaning something we ordinary people should not dabble too, well if you are risk averse type, good luck. i not into this, no comment as i dont have good verse on these. this is not my generation asset class. maybe for the young and furious generation. but sorry, better sorry now then too late ah..
HFSP then