SG Talk

Full Version: Dow falls below 31K
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It will fall below 30k
Once below 30K the falls might slow as some buyers will step in but I don't think the bottom is near 30k

Earnings from companies like Walmart and Target are falling
It is not attractive at  all at 30k.

[Image: eC7RwhO.jpg]
(20-05-2022, 11:22 PM)sgbuffett Wrote: [ -> ]It will fall below 30k
Once below 30K the falls might slow as some buyers will step in but I don't think the bottom is near 30k

Earnings from companies like Walmart and Target are falling
It is not attractive at  all at 30k.

[Image: eC7RwhO.jpg]

If 28k my paper profits Zhun Chun 100k Huaaaaat aghhhh!!!! 

with Blackrock buying the neighbourhoods on hi premium how to look forward QE
stock continues to fall like a pc of lead i mean rock.
even SWIFT lauHong boGay
updates become a torrent
[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-05-21-02-11-11.png]

[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-05-21-02-12-02.png]
just to stay current wor

[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-05-21-02-19-10.png]

[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-05-21-02-20-05.png]
First consolidation point.