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Full Version: Putin's daughter Katerina Tikhonova and her mysterious dancer Zelensky
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Putin's second daughter is said to be in a relationship with the former Munich ballet director Igor Zelensky. A child is said to have emerged from the rumored liaison.

At the beginning of April, his daughters Maria Vorontsova and Katerina Tikhonova ended up on the sanctions lists of the USA, the EU and Great Britain. After all, it is suspected that Putin is hiding his wealth with relatives. Mother Lyudmila Putina is not affected, she has been divorced from Putin since 2013.

And now said report about the younger of the two is causing a stir. Accordingly, the 35-year-old Tikhonova is said to have had a relationship with compatriot Igor Selensky, once a successful ballet dancer and until the beginning of April head of the Munich State Ballet. She is also said to have given birth to a girl in December 2017, whose second name Igorewna, according to Russian tradition, refers to her father Igor Zelensky.