SG Talk

Full Version: I bought a big durian for $5....guess what happened.
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Have not opened yet so not sure how's the inside.. according to vendor this is DUU1 type durian.

[Image: ydxNoOs.jpg]
U bought a DIU type of durian?😂
Bought in Muar? Big Grin
Looks like not bad when I opened it
[Image: mC5TjNp.jpg]
It's the taste that matters, not looks. May look good but taste yucks.
Too wet already.
(22-05-2022, 01:47 PM)p1acebo Wrote: [ -> ]Too wet already.

Don't have your signature question " Is it smelly?" Laughing
(22-05-2022, 01:45 PM)surfer Wrote: [ -> ]It's the taste that matters, not looks. May look good but taste yucks.

Taste is good the sweet type. Finish eating already. My mom also say its good next time buy 2
no wonder yr bp bs hbr all very high
(22-05-2022, 01:57 PM)sgbuffett Wrote: [ -> ]Taste is good the sweet type. Finish eating already. My mom also say its good next time buy 2

Too wet. Prefer the sweet/ bitter combination type.
Durians can up your blood pressure
Although very tempting
The seed that matter
No wonder TS BP is high as he constantly consumes durians Thinking
this idiot tempt me again