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Full Version: 美国承诺武装保卫台湾 ,印太13国结盟排除中国产业链
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who still F care of china & xin now, just said openly no more one china policy, taiwan is not part of china, so taiwan is independent country?
so if china attack taiwan, US will definitely protect taiwan like their alliance.
no one give a shit to ccp china now, whether asean meet with biden last week or 4 country meeting in japan now, or EU & NATO, ask china go & fly kite. china also choose to close up their door.


Aiya moronic kokee king of lies bullshit and know nuts come Asian begging like beggars hor LOL LOL LOL
US make it openly & very clear now if china attack taiwan, US army will protect & defend taiwan.
same as no more 1 china policy.
direct & clear. Next will be taiwan as independent country.
also fully support japan military with latest most advanced weapons, also japan to UN security council, kick china & russia out?


(23-05-2022, 05:59 PM)kokee Wrote: [ -> ]US make it openly & very clear now if china attack taiwan, US army will protect & defend taiwan.
same as no more 1 china policy.
direct & clear. Next will be taiwan as independent country.
also fully support japan military with latest most advanced weapons, also japan to UN security council, kick china & russia out?


USA got lumpars? Rotfl
tw got build gigantic steel plant for English cai to hide or not?
US to military protect & support Taiwan if china has action, not  only US, japan, 5 eyes, quad plus NATO & all the west will behind taiwan if china got balls to fight.
same to economy, biden form IPEF with all the country in this region to move all supply chain from china to asean & india, economically cut off tie with china globally eventually.
isolate china from military & economy.


Spot on! Let’s do it man! Taiwan declare independence! China and US fight a war! These will make a fitting finale for 2022!
the battlefield will be tw woh. everyday thousands of 呆丸 will be killed if war started
below video is how comie dogs here spam lies & BS to con or brainwash morons here.
they are shameless to create any lies, expose them, they spam more as no one can stop them spam lies, they are shameless to spam same exposed lies as long as can hook morons, no one know in real life who the F they are.
globally ton of such comies to create to spam 7/24. they keep flooding the whole forum & everywhere lies as long as got brainless because of skin color or whatever, fact & truth to them is dirt shit. To a human, fact & truth are the utmost important in your life, same as freedom & right.
all these bloody comie dogs liars here, spam lies & block truth 7/24 here.


 美国承诺武装保卫台湾 ,战狼炸锅了!印太13国结盟排除中国产业链


as below, china has totally no chance to attack taiwan.
all these wet dream comie dogs here, can bring wet dream into their coffin.


[Image: 65-CD4068-7-D37-42-A4-B53-C-E7-B465-AF3-C44.png]
wang yi in southern pacific now but Fiji join IPEF, LOL LOL.
all these poor little island, once no more money for them, they will switch to the west immediately.
Foxconn IC factory move from china to malaysia.



CCP or PRC  has never ruled Taiwan before.   There is also no reason for Taiwan to become an independent nation because the ROC fought and took the ruling from Qing and was the ruler of China before the CCP took over China in 1949.  

Although the younger Taiwanese might have forgotten about the reasons why ROC retreated to Taiwan in 1949, quite sure the older generation and many Taiwanese Politicians can never forget the belief that one day,   they will take back China again from CCP.  This is the reason why they still insist on one China and never agree to become an independent nation outside China.  By declaring an independent nation,  they will become Chinese in Taiwan and lose the identity of being Chinese in China altogether.
(28-05-2022, 08:45 AM)WhatDoYouThink? Wrote: [ -> ]这么多人不爽,看来中国还是别争做老大了。连老二老三也不行


灯塔国也会照样像老母鸡一样围堵自己。 Big Grin
They dont even send troop to Ukraine?
The only fool still believe them is the actor lor.
But US promise can trust mah.. Iraq, Kurd and more can tell u
petty Xi know nut & fall into biden trap.
chna has so many actin during this time when biden in japan, NK fire missile, china PLA anyhow fly to japan & taiwan, china join force with russia to tell the world they are the same as russia to invade others, hen xinjiang genocide, monkeypox of wuhan again & ton more.
very nice for china to be the enemy of the world.


(23-05-2022, 05:35 PM)kokee Wrote: [ -> ]who still F care of china & xin now, just said openly no more one china policy, taiwan is not part of china, so taiwan is independent country?
so if china attack taiwan, US will definitely protect taiwan like their alliance.
no one give a shit to ccp china now, whether asean meet with biden last week or 4 country meeting in japan now, or EU & NATO, ask china go & fly kite. china also choose to close up their door.


Sibeh jialat liao lah!
(24-05-2022, 07:53 AM)WhatDoYouThink? Wrote: [ -> ]the battlefield will be tw woh. everyday thousands of 呆丸 will be killed if war started

(24-05-2022, 07:53 AM)WhatDoYouThink? Wrote: [ -> ]the battlefield will be tw woh. everyday thousands of 呆丸 will be killed if war started


220810 -2【台湾国民党代表团到达大陆】【民进党承认了,北京继承了“中华民国”】【寒梅视角】
(11-08-2022, 10:31 AM)kokee Wrote: [ -> ]this bloody moronic useless bark extend, 3 days become 3 hrs, months long or comie liar bark drill till conquer, all lies!
now official call stop, I already 100% guarantee this balless will never attack but run road so fast! lost face till no more face now!
US carrier & military are here in taiwan straits for drill with multiple country now! this dog so fast run like pariah dog!

美國五大軍種印太集結超前部署 第七艦隊防堵共軍搶灘登陸台灣 跳島演練照片曝光│【前進新台灣】20220811


not only US & japan behind taiwan to fight china if there is anything happens in taiwan straits!
whole world are behind taiwan.
china is totally balless, useless & coward! whole world know well!
all the super powerful & accurate missile are ready, shanghai, beijing, shenzhen have no way to hide!

直呼與台灣命運共同體 剛剛這國攤牌 中共敢打台灣 飛彈直攻上海 中共徹底怕了 台灣有事就是日本有事 中共軍演讓美日台軍事更加緊密

中國若侵台 美日幫擊退! 3艦同框! 曝解放軍遭圍實情

(26-05-2022, 07:03 PM)Fleetdestroyer Wrote: [ -> ][Image: 65-CD4068-7-D37-42-A4-B53-C-E7-B465-AF3-C44.png]

Bankrupt loser kokee howling jealous 
Kokee the scumbags 

Who let the slave kokee out woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof woof 
Kokee go take medication 

National scum Shameless bankrupt Pitiful jealous kokee howling scare panic desperate dog losing the slave kokee out
(24-05-2022, 05:38 AM)kokee Wrote: [ -> ]US to military protect & support Taiwan if china has action, not  only US, japan, 5 eyes, quad plus NATO & all the west will behind taiwan if china got balls to fight.
same to economy, biden form IPEF with all the country in this region to move all supply chain from china to asean & india, economically cut off tie with china globally eventually.
isolate china from military & economy.


臺灣 🇹🇼 是美國 🇺🇸 的嗎?