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Full Version: S’pore court legally recognises NFTs as digital assets – what’s next for crypto law?
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Because digital economy is the new economy...the old economy already yesterday story...just like before our present fractional ecconomy, there was the stoneage gold economy.
As the global economy progresses from the old fractional system into the new digital economy, u need to have digital assets like physical assets in our old economy. Hence we have cryto blockchain in preparation for this transition into the new economy.
The fractional reserve system has to unpeg from the old just like US$ unpeg from gold in the 70s. The cryto blockchain is the solution created by the global central unpeg the current US$ trillion debts and restart just like in the 70s.
Dola unipolar era is over
Tempo accelerated now
[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-05-24-23-22-55.png]
WEF Police Surround Jack Posobiec at World Govt. Summit