SG Talk

Full Version: "Not trying to steal.I want to take your bike go home cause I busy already. I tired,"
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What kind of world is this steal things got caught still Yaya and not scare at all.
This is nothing serious lah

Why never lock your bike properly?

It is wrong to steal but is ok to forgive

I hv my bag taken from me right in front of my eyes

Yet I forgave the thief

If I can do so, so can you
The guy moved the bike. He did not ride if away and store it at his home.

So he is guilty of 'planning to steal bike ..but have not done so".
(25-05-2022, 06:39 AM)sgbuffett Wrote: [ -> ]The guy moved the bike. He did not ride if away and store it at his home.

So he is guilty of 'planning to steal bike ..but have not done so".
This is a smart way of stealing and not "planning to steal".
I had experienced this before when I  left my shopping bags at a food court's table and went to order my food.