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美國總領事改口稱「一直都反對港獨」 卻無意中自爆美國特工參與反修例前線|【肥仔傑.論政】

They EXPOSED the truth in China and warmongers aren't happy | Redacted with Clayton Morris

Is China really all that bad? Delegates from over 30 Muslim countries say that it's not while the West is fed a steady diet of "China is evil" narrative. So what is the truth?

The only reason nobody seems to recognize this in the west is because the US has such phenomenally excellent global narrative control. If it didn't, the entire world would've laughed when the butchers of the Middle East started pretending to care about Muslims in Xinjiang.

"China is more oppressive domestically, US is more oppressive abroad."

Nothing China is doing domestically is anywhere remotely as bad as what the US is doing abroad. Nothing China is doing rises to the level of the US killing millions and displacing tens of millions since 9/11.


Nuclear war is not only imaginable, but planned - True Story Documentary Channel

The Coming War on China, from award winning journalist John Pilger, reveals what the news doesn’t – that the world’s greatest military power, the United States, and the world’s second economic power, China, both nuclear-armed, may well be on the road to war.

Nuclear war is not only imaginable, but planned. The greatest build-up of NATO military forces since the Second World War is under way on the western borders of Russia. On the other side of the world, the rise of China is viewed in Washington as a threat to American dominance.

To counter this, President Obama announced a ‘pivot to Asia’, which meant that almost two-thirds of all US naval forces would be transferred to Asia and the Pacific, their weapons aimed at China. A policy which has been taken up by his successor Donald Trump, who during his election campaign said “We can’t continue to allow China to rape our country and that’s what they’re doing”.

Filmed on five possible front-lines across Asia and the Pacific over two years, the story is told in chapters that connect a secret and ‘forgotten’ past to the rapacious actions of great power today and to a resistance, of which little is known in the West.
(15-08-2022, 09:48 AM)kokee Wrote: [ -> ]almost all russia army run road now, putin blurred!

Russian Soldiers No Longer Have The Strength To Fight!

Putin Is Going Crazy! The US Is Leading Ukraine to Victory

putin & ton of russian are fleeing & run road from russia now!
who still F care of BS nukes ot nuclear war now!
Ukraine bother russia nukes? Ukraine just hantam russia army like nut, kill ton, also many russia general & commanders slaughtered recently! russia nukes? my foot, all these comie liars here in their wet dream, these dogs everyday bark nukes to threaten morons & the world. really nuclear war, they & thir family can run? LOL LOL, these real dogs here!

same to china below, after russia, next ccp china!

(18-08-2022, 05:29 AM)kokee Wrote: [ -> ]china is enemy of the world today!
global will join hands to remove ccp together! from economy to technology to military to all aspects!


[Image: Screenshot-20220818-120652-Chrome.jpg]

怎么会有前途呢? 还是别当了吧

Drinking the Anti-Communist Kool-Aid
Over the past 7-8 decades the United States has been feeding you the Kool-Aid and yes you have been drinking it. This video proves that China is behind all the rhetoric from Taiwan to Russia and everywhere in between.
(20-08-2022, 10:08 PM)WhatDoYouThink? Wrote: [ -> ]好像屁股先生那样,买卖中国股票中国货,吃中国饭放中国粪,却又砸中国锅,是不是未成年人一个?

Just like moronic Kokee Cok?  Thinking


[Image: rl7M8gOxdBWQHEs5nsAwjrnPcr4i6zIZ6mBO0FKQ...s381-nd-v1]


Video Shows Cyclist Struck by New Jersey Councilwoman In Hit-and-Run Incident

[Image: S52fTPeBShQmGIF79l6TqwJhYIoLgfd4DncdpbZ-...s834-nd-v1]

Daughter of Putin Propagandist Killed in Car Bomb Outside Moscow

The daughter of a far-right Russian ideologue commonly known as “Putin’s brain” for his purported influence over the Russian president’s fascist views was reportedly killed in a car bombing outside Moscow late Saturday.

Images of the blast were widely circulated on Telegram by the news outlets Baza and 112, which reported that Darya Dugina, the daughter of Alexander Dugin, was killed instantly in the explosion. Russia’s TASS news agency cited law enforcement sources who confirmed that a Toyota Land Cruiser Prado had blown up, but they did not confirm the identity of the driver, only describing the victim as female. A man identified by TASS as an acquaintance of Dugina, however, confirmed that she was killed.

The Russian news outlet Baza reported that Dugina, 30, had been returning home from a literature and music festival called “Tradition” when the blast occurred. She reportedly was behind the wheel for only 10 minutes before the detonation.

Alexander Dugin was meant to be in the vehicle his daughter was driving but had gotten in a different one at the last second, according to Pyotr Lundstrem, a Russian violinist quoted by the outlet.

Dugin had reportedly been following right behind his daughter and had watched as her car exploded. Photos shared by Baza appeared to show Dugin distraught at the scene, holding his head in both hands as he stood in front of the fiery wreckage.

土耳其曝美國餵養恐怖份子 拜登地中海節點惹怒俄土伊? 新聞大白話 20220821

Florida Uhuru leader defends Russia, bashes Colonial powers after FBI press conference
(21-08-2022, 01:57 PM)kokee Wrote: [ -> ]all these know nut comie liars & their brainless supporters here!
these morons bark how strong is ruble, sanction russia is BS & today almost 18% of russian are beggars in their country now!
no money, no good & products, those can run road already run, now whole europe ban entry of russian people, very nice, globally must also follow to ban russians to their country!


truth is above is russian economy today going to collapse soon.same to china economy, going same way as russia today.
russia & china will be like NK today in time to come! deserve it!

(21-08-2022, 06:10 PM)kokee Wrote: [ -> ]china no money now, cash flow problems!
print more the better! debt burst everywhere now!
why need to cut rate? why need to sell UST bond? yet still in huge debt, both internal & external!
banks run everywhere inside china now, song!
china now can only rely on print $$ to survive!



(21-08-2022, 09:25 AM)kokee Wrote: [ -> ]the main brain behind putin & Ukraine war, putin right hand man, car exploded in moscow today, he escaped, his daughter died!
who still F care of putin now, putin time is number!
even russian want him to F off or xxxx!

普京的导师、入侵乌克兰的总设计师,在莫斯科遇袭,女儿挡了炸弹! 英国给俄军划定红线! 俄军前天报销了400官兵!

as above, who in russia still F care of putin now, where is putin hiding today in russia?
almost all russian want putin to F off immediately or end of putin like this bomb!
game over for putin & russia now bothe military & economy!
same to china in time to come, china is the enemy of the world today, axis of evil now!

(21-08-2022, 12:32 PM)kokee Wrote: [ -> ]whole world know what is happening in these rubbish OBOR country in northern asean!
with china influence & china people there to operate!
all these under world, gamble, prostitution, drugs, opium run by china people there!
this world today in total mess compared to 30-40 yrs ago without china people all around the world like today!


(22-08-2022, 05:10 AM)kokee Wrote: [ -> ]as above, 


Марионетки Майдана

The Surprising Company Who Secretly Controls Porn

'Very little attention' brought to Ashley Biden's uncovered diary

Aug 28, 2022  Sky News host James Morrow says there has been “very little attention” brought to President Joe Biden’s daughter Ashley Biden’s diary which was found left behind in a rehab facility.

“The news this week though, that it has been authenticated as actually the true diary,” Mr Morrow said.

“It contains some fairly disturbing things.

“Somehow this has been all very, very, very supressed.”
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The sins of uncle summarised:

🇺🇸 🇺🇸 🇺🇸


I didn't write this but I totally agree...

Hopefully someday the US will pay a heavy price for this.

Dear USA,

"You dropped two atomic bombs in Japan, burned thousands of people, who are suffering to this day, just to show the then Soviet Union that you have nukes and it must be shut down.

In Vietnam you burned and burned and burned with the napalm bombs, the forests the infrastructure of a whole state, you left nothing standing, you dropped the bombs in the cities and villages destroying everything.

You destroyed Yugoslavia by bombing Belgrade itself, throwing bombs at homes, hospitals, without counting a thing.

You tried Milosevich as a criminal in The Hague with a trial of parody and killed him, letting the Ucekades baptize Kosovo as you like..

You forced the Turks to invade Cyprus, an independent state, and even 50 years now, we can't even find the bones of the missing ones putting us to negotiate to this day, with our butcher alleged to solve the Cyprus issue, while fine it suits you well.

You let the Turks roam the Aegean, question, the islands and tell us "find each other" while you pastels know well what's happening, and who threatens whom.

You destroyed Libya, along with your European friends because you didn't like Gaddafi, and they didn't give you the oil at the price of a jamba.

You armed and funded your Islamic State proxies to fight six whole years of "civil war" in Syria because you didn't like Assad, and you were bothered by the naval base of the Russians in Syria and Assad turned out to be very Russian.

You invaded Iraq allegedly to find the nukes, and in Afghanistan, to find your former friend Bin Laden and demolished both countries, bombing uncontrollably cities and villages,  destroying everything, sending a missile to Baghdati U.S. Cruise from your dolphins that burst into the shelters, killing women and children. Who could forget that night.

*Are you talking about democracy you bastards?*

You who built the perfect center for physical and mental torture in Guantanamo?

You hanged Hussein without trial, he who was your best friend and ally until a few years before that.

You who with your wars and politics created ISIS and the Taliban.

You who overturned Salvador Allende with the bloodiest coup in Chile, a democratic elected president, killing him inside the presidential palace, and installing Pinochet's most violent dictatorship.

You who when the Berlin wall fell, promised Russia that NATO would not extend an inch and reached it to the legs of Russia, despite your promises and agreements.

*Are you talking about Democracy, peace, and war crimes of Russia you lying traitors, murderers of innocent people?*

*You filled all of Europe with Pershing missiles and cruises surrounding Russia which you ignored.*

*You didn't adhere to a single condition from the Minsk agreement, while on the contrary Russia obeyed all of them.*

*A lifetime of F(edited)er's and hypocrites.*

Even Hitler, your own multinational funded him and made him a beast.

So only Ukraine was missing from the puzzle, to complete NATO's nest around Russia to drown it.

Since 2009 Putin has been warning you that Ukraine is a red line.

*In 2014 with the coup you underwent.  You overthrew Yanukovich, elected president, using Nazis and fascist clashes to kill Ukraine, and you installed a puppet government that was intended to prepare the country for the country entry into NATO and the EU while you knew it was a red line for Russia.*

*Are you talking about democracy and invasions in any state, you bastards?*

Today's Russia, if it wanted, within half a day, could make the entire Ukraine, muddy.

But he doesn't do it.

He doesn't want to kill, just people. Ukrainians with Russians are brothers people.

And this is the tragic end.

To this day, you don't tell the truth.

*You are unmerciful liars.*

*You are taking advantage of the pain of the Ukrainian, but also of the Russian people and misleading the world.*

Yes. Russia is right. This is the truth.

She warned, shouted, asked you not to tighten the noose around her neck anymore.

But when you have to deal with NATO, creators and directors of all wars on earth, unfortunately there was no other way.

Russia is not Iraq, nor Syria. You raped her and now you\re playing the victim. Were you assuming Russia would roll over and it would end quickly.

It's a shame how the United State of America does this to the people of the world.

*_It is the ordinary people who pay for America's crimes against humanity every time._* 

*My soul hurts."*

~ Unknown  Author ~

天天硬事2422期——01 美国拟对中国生物制造领域进行制裁与限制,美国在不断破坏自我规则来打击对手,最终美元霸权必然终结 02 中国免除非洲9个国家的关税,投资亚非拉是中国的未来

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