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Full Version: Inconsiderate driver who blocked the pathway
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He looks like waiting for pple to come down? as long as he is inside the car shd be ok la.. if got pple come he can shift.
this type blocking at walkway pavement shade i complained until sian already
sometimes the officers come quickly
othertimes they like tired already
so give up its endless
if raining then just wait otherwise just detour
(01-09-2021, 12:51 PM)OLT Wrote: [ -> ]He looks like waiting for pple to come down? as long as he is inside the car shd be ok la.. if got pple come he can shift.

The reality was he never moved his car even when people are crossing.
Inconsiderate considering that it's not raining... usually park to facilitate pick up for seniors on wheelchair etc...
(02-09-2021, 03:05 PM)Fit Wrote: [ -> ]The reality was he never moved his car even when people are crossing.

haha den he really is an as.shole.

If he's there for like 5 minutes I guess ok lah. If more than 5 minutes than maybe he should just go one round. It should be the passenger waiting for the car rather than the other way round.

Worse case is when it is raining heavily at that pathway and it is the only covered pathway from one end to the other. Then all those without umbrella cannot cross and the car refused to move for a long time. I have seen this type of guailan driver before.
Design problem? Thinking