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Full Version: A man got COVID-19 three times. Should we be worried about reinfection?
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Covid Hans...
Should we be worried about reinfection?
Q: Did he died?
Ans: Nope …. then fugg it …. lets move on
more like being poisoned
lastestt poisons ooze out of skins called Monkeypox
if u see 'oozes on your skins as black spots pimples
use urine to rub. Help to rid them even beautify ur skins.
not for the full-blown monkey just wait to mati

no way u can fight as u already compromised ur natural broad spectrum immunity.
[Image: Screenshot-from-2022-06-02-05-25-14.png]
Maybe the experience is very bad as some of my friends had (OTO, some other friends had mild symptoms) so it could be a concern.

But the biggest concern for me is whether repeated infections increased the probability of long COVID? Long COVID is one of the worst outcomes.
(02-06-2022, 06:01 AM)singlon Wrote: [ -> ][Image: Screenshot-from-2022-06-02-05-25-14.png]

will Trump take care of them. ?