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Full Version: China Covid19 Vaccine Cause Leukaemia!
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Indian fake news.

This is fake news likely spread by Anti vax to stop worried about mRNA vaccines to use other types of vaccine.
cinTio poison mah!
If that is true all the Chinese would have been dead by now, good lion king!
Inactivated just take away it's ability to multiple, can cause cancer? how retard writer is. And what kind of audience he had?
(02-06-2022, 08:54 PM)cf9 Wrote: [ -> ]Inactivated just take away it's ability to multiple, can cause cancer? how retard writer is. And what kind of audience he had?
Exactly! Please not everyone is naive! The writer definitely doesn't know what's inactivated vaccine!? It's just the empty shell with all the protein receptors still intact!

More worrying is mRNA. If you study Genetics DNA RNA are the molecules we human have to be extra careful - by injecting foreign RNA or even more deadly DNA into our bodies we won't know how these foreign molecules are incorporated into the human genome and the side effects!

I'm sure every forumer here read about the danger of eating GMO food - and why? Because the food has the original DNA modified - imagine your body making use of strange foreign DNA to repair the internal organs! That's the reason why nowadays many people avoid GMO food or products! You know how cancer comes about- DNA gone haywire!

So ignore the article that's posted! It shows if not naivete- then it has to be the evil venomous intent of the writer!
(02-06-2022, 01:18 PM)lionkingch55 Wrote: [ -> ]Did China's COVID-19 vaccines cause leukaemia? Coutry's health commission document suggests so | World News – India TV (

Admin, lionkingch55 spread fake news !!!

U must ban him a week to wake up his fuking ideas !!! Angry
shd be sent to xj for reeducation
It speaks volumes about the website.
(02-06-2022, 10:17 PM)WhatDoYouThink? Wrote: [ -> ]shd be sent to xj for reeducation
Followed by flogging in Saudi Arabia for deceiving the mass
I took China vaccine and unknowingly I played with some kids that are COVID positive. The same night I woke up with a dry throat and running nose. After I fell asleep again and woke up the next morning I am alright already. COVID is a hoax. Apparently, I talked to the group of kids and seems like only the obese one has serious symptoms.