SG Talk

Full Version: 【载客量增加,延误会相应提高】本地地铁可靠度有进步 今年首季度只发生一起重大延误
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【载客量增加,延误会相应提高】本地地铁可靠度有进步 今年首季度只发生一起重大延误

红蚂蚁Telegram新闻推送 :
I seldom take MRT.

Last Sat morning, I took MRT at East West line. There was a track fault between Queenstown and commonwealth stations. The train I took also got problem, got to change another train. Then reaching Tiong Bahru, hearing the announcement made, there was a track fault. Got to delay 20mins.
KNN, I quickly aligned at RedHill station.