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Full Version: Germany: Merkel defends Russia policy "I will not apologize"
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Merkel speaks of the great tragedy and once again condemns the "brutal" Russian attack, for which there is "no justification whatsoever". And she also says that in past negotiations her heart "has always been for Ukraine."

Merkel is self-confident in defensive mode and insists that everything must be viewed in the context of current events and that past decisions would have prevented worse. Be it Ukraine's rejection of NATO membership or the Minsk Agreement.

In retrospect, Merkel's guiding principle seems to be that politics is what is possible: "I tried to work in the direction of preventing disaster and diplomacy wasn't wrong if it didn't work. I don't see it , that I now have to say that was wrong and therefore I will not apologize."

It is true that in all these years it has not been possible to "end the Cold War" or to create a security architecture that would have prevented the current situation. But: "I'm glad I don't have to blame myself for trying too little."

"I didn't believe that Putin would be changed through trade," the former chancellor said. However, she considered certain trade relations between neighbors to be useful.

But with her performance in the Berliner Ensemble, she makes it unmistakably clear that she is back and no longer wants to leave the interpretation of her politics to others.
The new Chancellor is lousy, doesn’t know how to lead. He failed to manage the relationship with Russia.
She trap herself to drink Russian oil as an easy path. It was a mistake.

Just look at Singapore every day we get enough water from Malaysian pipes. While we can we sought other water sources "in case". It is not that Malaysia will cut water out of aggression but one day if they don't have enough they will cut supply just like they did to chickens.

The effort we put in to develop Newater. The reservior system etc looks unnecessary until one day you need it ...its there.

Merkel was lured by cheap Russian energy to solve its problems and did not explore alternatives seriously enough. It made itself vulnerable....they had decades to do something but they took things for granted.