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Former chancellor on the sidelines: Because of his connections to Russia, Gerhard Schröder not only loses privileges, but is increasingly isolated. That was different.

Since February 24, Gerhard Schröder has fallen out of favor in public opinion, on the political stage and in his own party. From the robust, charismatic statesman, in whose splendor many bask, to the Putin pariah, whom everyone avoids as if he were more contagious than Corona. It has become lonely around Gerhard Schröder.

Schröder celebrates his 60th birthday like a rock star. In 2004, the then Federal Chancellor invited everyone of distinction to a theater in Hanover. And they all came: celebrities from all over Germany, moderator Reinhold Beckmann, Nobel Prize winner Günter Grass, Daimler boss Jürgen Schrempp, Bahn boss Hartmut Mehdorn, almost the entire federal cabinet - and Vladimir Putin. As a gift, he brings a Cossack choir from Moscow. Whoever is invited here is who.

Schröder cannot be reached, allegedly not even by his old party friends and companions from Lower Saxony's Social Democracy. They no longer understand their former comrade and no longer want to have anything to do with him. "It's a shame," says Emden's former mayor Alwin Brinkmann. He does not recognize the former chancellor.

The former political alpha animal, the highly respected former chancellor, the respected member of Hanover's urban society has hardly any sympathy in the public perception in Germany.During his vacation in May, the landlord of the "Norderneyer Brauhaus" banned him from the premises, "simply on principle". And the trendy Berlin bar "Ständige Austausch" has removed its "Altkanzlerfilet" from the menu. The photo of the former chancellor is missing on the wall.It has become lonely around Gerhard Schröder.