slavery mentality of china people, in their blood, in their culture & history.
aiya 5000 年了还改不了,有的还当上羊狗羊奴
(09-06-2022, 12:20 PM)WhatDoYouThink? Wrote: [ -> ]aiya 5000 年了还改不了,有的还当上羊狗羊奴
TS is an exemplary example!

(09-06-2022, 12:35 PM)cityhantam Wrote: [ -> ]TS is an exemplary example! 
He is not a Chinese
(09-06-2022, 12:41 PM)dynamite Wrote: [ -> ]He is not a Chinese
He is a Chinese who chose to be AMTK's dog!

Give them some time lah…
5000 years not easy to change the habit…
It is inside the gene and blood already.
India also same leh… Till now still havent changed. Already 4000 years liao.
comie dogs lick & worship here 7/24, same behavior, brainless & blind.
a human respect each others & be equal, regardless of anything.
dictator & communism treat people as tools, slavery to fulfill their wet dream & evil empire.
difference between human & animal, all these comie dogs here, that is why they are dogs.
china, a very uncivilized country, censored & twisted news to brainwash their people, no freedom to fact & truth, no right to vote & choose their choice, rule by force & lawless.
hooligan govt & foolish slavery.
(09-06-2022, 01:19 PM)kokee Wrote: [ -> ]china, a very uncivilized country, censored & twisted news to brainwash their people, no freedom to fact & truth, no right to vote & choose their choice, rule by force & lawless.
hooligan govt & foolish slavery.
U la.. lapdog
not only shanghai, whole china, so many died of no food, jump down, no medicine & medical care, no milk powder or no pregnant delivery, ton more died due to lock down inhumanity, but no 1 china people dare to go against ccp, totally balless & in fear, this show the slavery mentality of china people, no freedom & human right to fight for their life, just watch their family died & keep quiet, lawless & balless to take action against authority, total slavery for 4000 yrs.
since young kena brainwash, they dont know their right, like covid, lock down till blurred.
Moronic kokee king of lies bullshit and know nuts hor all from Falun Gong evil cults source’s extremely jealousy evil hor
why slavery life in china? because dictator can take away all your asset, freedom anytime they like.
got dogs want such life? this is why comie dogs here & their family will never want to go back to their beloved motherland, all these comie dogs here arer total liars.
such life is living in fear, day & night as you dont know dictator will take away everything from you & your family 1 fine day.
all these kena brainwash since young for 3000+ yrs of slavery.
serve their master for their whole life.
slavery has no life, their life is for their dictator.
same to all comie dogs here, slavery dog kena brainwash like morons.
(09-06-2022, 07:15 PM)Fleetdestroyer Wrote: [ -> ]![[Image: BACAEBC6-FB17-4799-8605-8-F35-D1-CF109-D.png]](
Moronic kokee king of lies bullshit and know nuts hor all from Falun Gong evil cults source’s extremely jealousy evil hor
![[Image: B889-EB6-A-0-A5-E-4699-BA2-A-F9-B9-AAABDA2-B.gif]](
china civilians are slavery for 3000+ yrs or forever?
slavery got freedom & right?
china people brainwash till like xxxx.
same to comie here & there supporters.
not only slavery, ton of liars, top down, norm, like all comie dogs here, LOL LOL.
this is how china brainwash their children to become slavery.
brainless easily kena brainwash, those has common sense will run road.
fight & sacrifice their life for hooligan.
comie here must send their children back to china to brainwash & end their life for dictator, one & only life they have in this world.
S'pore China pr resident buys entire 30th floor of Suntec City Tower 2 for $38.8 million
Moronic kokee king of lies bullshit and know nuts hor cheo kau peng
(09-06-2022, 12:20 PM)WhatDoYouThink? Wrote: [ -> ]aiya 5000 年了还改不了,有的还当上羊狗羊奴
以前皇帝时代叫做 “狗奴才” 啦!sad.