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Full Version: Putin likens himself to " Peter the Great "
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Moscow-backed Luhansk region in Ukraine says it will soon start rail shipments to Russia of grain that its troops have “liberated”, Tass news agency reports.

Russian President Vladimir Putin speaks of Russia’s need to “take back [territory] and defend itself” in a speech in which he compares himself to Peter the Great.
What's happened to your beloved Scomo now?
(10-06-2022, 08:32 AM)cityhantam Wrote: [ -> ]What's happened to your beloved Scomo now?

"Maybe our top leader should liken to be " The Great Genghis Khan ""

His record yet to be broken
we hope we can believe him
he is the Messiah
But sotong says he bags everyone of them
Salvation is only with this type of people
but beri hard to find them